Walk In Victory Over Fear, Heb 2:15

Walk In Victory Over Fear Heb.2:15 CLICKTITLE FOR AUDIO There are four things of which Christians are particularly afraid.  Christians fear the loss of their life, their self-esteem or self-worth, their reputation and their dignity.  Put another way, Christians fear death, falling, dishonor and derision.  As my former pastor used to...

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In God We Trust, Ps 18:2

In God We Trust Ps 18:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you walk into the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., you see a remarkable testimony to God in that building.  In the Rotunda you see 8 large paintings of the Exploration and Colonization of America and of the American Revolution. One...

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Rejoice in Likemindedness, Phil 2:1-8

Rejoice in Likemindedness Phil 2:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Phil 2:2, Paul said, “Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded…”  We should rejoice in likemindedness.  We are to be likeminded in our marriages, in our families, in our friendships and in our churches.  We are likeminded when we are...

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A Disciple’s Character, Lk 6:37-49

A Disciple’s Character Lk 6:40, “The disciple is not above his master: but everyone that is perfect shall be as his master”.  So, a disciple is going to be like Jesus Christ.  With a disciple’s character: He’ll Have The Right Attitude, 37-38 He’s not a judger.  Jesus said in Jn...

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The Form of a Servant, Phil 2:5-8

The Form of a Servant Have you decided today that you want to serve the Lord?  Then you need to take upon you the form of a servant like Jesus did.  This requires 7 things.  If you do these things, you will be the servant God wants you to be. ...

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Come Before His Presence, Ps 95:1-11

Come Before His Presence Ps. 95: 1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we read in the Psalms about coming “before his presence,” [i.e., Ps 95:2], we are reading about people literally coming before the Lord’s presence during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ when he is ruling on the earth from...

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Bible Paradoxes, Mk 8:35

Bible Paradoxes Mk 8: 35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Recently, in a men’s meeting, a friend of mine preached on the paradoxes in the Bible. It was such an interesting message that I will repeat most of what he said in this message.  These things will help you if you...

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Things You Need More Than Money, Prov 16:8

Things You Need More Than Money Prov. 16: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Money is, obviously, important.  If you don’t have any, it’s sure hard to pay your bills.  But our attention to obtaining and maintaining wealth can surely obscure some other needs that are much more important than money.  These...

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John Did No Miracles, Jn 10:41

John Did No Miracle Jn 10: 41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of this sermon on miracles. Some Christians are suckers for miracles.  They believe that preachers who perform miracles are more powerful than preachers who don’t.  They think that a miracle is evidence of the great working of God in a...

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Reasons We Are Not Revived, Is 57:15

Reasons We Are Not Revived Is. 57:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Revival is important to nations, cities, churches and individuals.  Not many people alive today have ever witnessed anything akin to a revival of the Spirit of God.  You may have witnessed a big production of men and you may have...

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