A Virtuous Woman & The Church II Prov. 31:10-31

A Virtuous Woman & the Church II Prov. 31:10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a continuation of yesterday’s broadcast.  We find similarities between the virtuous woman of Prov 31 and the Church – examining these similarities will help us understand the Church better – notice the Church’s and the virtuous...

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A Virtuous Woman and Her Husband Prov. 31: 10-31

A Virtuous Woman & Her Husband Prov. 31: 10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson, from Prov 31:10-31, is on a virtuous woman and her husband.  As a benefit to her husband: She’s trustworthy – v.11 – he safely trusts in her – unlike the woman of Prov 7:7-23, 27...

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The Role of a Husband

Ephesians 5:22-28 Every member of the family has responsibilities according to their God-given role.  A husband’s responsibilities are laid out in the Bible as three “L”s: Love, Lead, and Labor.  All these describe the protective and stabilizing influence the husband is to the household. Love Husbands love your wives (Ephesians...

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What Weakens/Strengthens a Marriage

Jeremiah 8: 8-10 What Weakens/Strengthens a Marriage CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jer 8:10 says, “I will give their wives unto others…”  So, there must be some reasons in this passage that the marriages were dissolved.  We can find here and in other places some key problems. Your marriages are weakened...

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