Written for Our Admonition 1 Cor 10:1-13

Written For Our Admonition 1 Cor. 10: 1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the children of Israel wandered through the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land, many of them were overthrown because they fell into sin.  The things that were recorded in the Old Testament, about them, were written...

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Works of the Flesh Gal 5:16-21

 Galatians 5:16-21 Works of the Flesh  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO          They are: Conceived by lust (v. 16) Jas 1:14-15 Contrary to the Spirit (v. 17) Didn’t have war until saved, but now you have a way to fight Walk in the Spirit (can’t if in law) Rom 7:18-19 Magnified by the...

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Things that overthrow God’s people.

Things That Overthrow God’s People (1 Corinthians 10:1-15)  In this lesson we will look at specific things that overthrew the children of Israel in the wilderness and make spiritual applications for us today. In the church age when a person is saved they receive the gift of eternal life. Therefore...

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The Basest of Men Dan. 4:17

The Basest of Men Dan. 4:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You often wonder why the rulers of the various countries of the world do the terrible things that they do.  The reason that rulers often do wicked things is that they are the basest of men.  In Dan 4:17 we read, “…...

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Isaiah 57:1-21 Jewish Idolatry

Jewish Idolatry Is. 57: 1-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah 57 is predominately about Jewish Idolatry. Concerning Jewish Idolatry we see: The roots of their idolatry – sorcery [v.3; 2 Chr 33:6], adultery [v.3; Ezek 23:37], transgression [v.4], falsehood [v.4], fear [v.11] and covetousness [v.17; Col 3:5; Jer 44:15-17]. The deeds...

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Isaiah 44:1-28 The Superiority of God to Idols

The Superiority of God to Idols Is. 44:1-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The superiority of God to idols is seen in all of the following capacities: Creation – Is 44:2, 24 – idols are man-made; and we are God-made – Acts 17:24-29 Assurance – Is 44:2 – with idols you have superstition...

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Isaiah 43:8-13 Ye Are My Witnesses

Ye Are My Witnesses Is. 43:8-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, the Lord reminds Israel that Ye are my witnesses that he is the LORD and that there is none else [Is 43:10].  Keep in mind, as we study this passage, that the Lord is showing you through the...

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Isaiah 42:17-25 The Lord’s Blind Servant

The Lord’s Blind Servant Is. 42:17-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO * The last few minutes were cut off. The problem in this passage is that of idolatry.  The Jews are so dependent on seeing something in order to believe that they blind themselves to the things that can only be believed...

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