Our Warfare, 2 Cor 10:3-6

From the moment we get saved, we are in a war.  We have the Spirit of God in us, but we are still in this earthly body.  And it’s wicked.  It’s our warfare and we must fight it.  Like men are trained to know their enemy, to use their weapons...

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God’s Intervention II Kings 5:1-14

God’s Intervention II Kings 5:1-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you need God to intervene in your life, you must consider these truths experienced by Naaman, found in 2 Ki 5:1-14.  You may need God’s intervention in a marital problem, a family problem, a financial problem, a medical problem or a...

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Grow in the Knowledge of God II Pet. 3:17

Grow in the Knowledge of God II Pet. 3:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I am convinced that the reason some Christians don’t grow much is that they don’t grow in the knowledge of God.  They are content to know that they are saved but they make no effort to get to...

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They Are Without Excuse, Rom 1:17-21

They Are Without Excuse Rom. 1:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Rom 1:18-21 all men have some knowledge of God.  Therefore, they will be without excuse at their judgment.  There is not a person on the planet who will be able to claim that he didn’t know God, because God...

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Clean Thoughts Prov. 16: 3

Clean Thinking Prov. 16:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a lesson on how clean thinking develops clean thoughts. How do I get control of my thought life? You have to pull down the strong holds! 2 Cor 10:3-6 must surely be one of the top passages in the Bible to...

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Abomination Prov. 15: 9

Abominable Wickedness Prov. 15: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The way of the wicked [Hollywood, worldliness, cheating, covetousness, etc.] is an abomination unto the Lord – today we are going to look at some things that the Lord specifically states are abominable to him – avoid these things like the plague...

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