Inheritance in the Kingdom Eph.5:1-5

Ephesians 5:1-5 Inheritance in the Kingdom CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To have an inheritance in the kingdom of God, you must: Follow God as dear children – like a child follows his dad (v. 1) Walk in love (v. 2) – there’s no profit if you don’t 1 Cor 13 – walking in love...

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Sons of God, Rom 8:14-25

Sons of God Rom. 8:14- 25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get saved we become the sons of God [Jn 1:12] through our new birth in Jesus Christ.  Our birth as sons of God involves three things that are discussed in the middle of Rom 8.  These three things are...

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The Riches of His Glory Eph.3:13-21

Ephesians 3:13-21 The Riches of His Glory CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ephesians 3:13-21, Paul ended up in jail for preaching the gospel and preaching to Gentiles.  He tells them in v. 13, “Don’t sweat it” this was for your glory.  Like Joseph said about being in jail in Egypt for...

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The Riches of His Grace Eph.1:7-12

   Ephesians 1:7-12 The Riches of His Grace CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God’s grace is rich because Christ gave us all He has and He has everything, II Cor 8:9.  We become rich through His poverty.  So His grace covers everything – our salvation, our needs, our infirmities, our sorrows – everything. ...

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Esau Despised His Birthright Gen. 25:24

Esau Despised His Birth Right Gen. 25:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gen 25:29-34 Esau despised his birthright.  If we can see why Esau despised his birthright, we can see why Christians forfeit their inheritance with Christ.  But first we need to lay a little groundwork. Some details about the birthright....

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Sin of the Saints

Sin of the Saints [Eph.2:1-6] There was a time when it was our nature to sin. We fulfilled the lust of the flesh and the desires of our flesh and mind. [2Cor.5:17] But now that we are saved, old things are passed away. [1Cor.15:34] Paul tells saved people to “sin...

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Be Not Deceived

Be Not Deceived Gen.3:1-6                 Eve was deceived or beguiled in the Garden of Eden, [3:13] and [1Tim.2:13-14]. She never saw the bad, she only saw the good. Sin always presents its self as good. Sin feels good, looks good, taste good, sounds good, and smells good. It will deceive you...

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An Inheritance Prov. 20: 21

An Inheritance Prov. 20:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is a privilege from your parents to receive an inheritance.  It makes it so much easier to buy a car or make a down payment on a house or to have a supplemental income or to give abundantly to the Lord or...

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Wealth Gotten By Vanity Prov. 13: 11

Wealth Gotten by Vanity Prov. 13:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wealth gotten by vanity is money that is gotten by you for which you do not have to work. It is wealth attained in the absence of labor. This verse of scripture informs us that any such acquisition will evaporate. Winning...

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A Child of the King

A Child of the King Rev. 5: 9-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At this time of year, we are reminded that our Savior was born a King. The wise men from the east came looking for “the King of the Jews.” When Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, he was hailed...

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