Intercessory Prayer III, 1Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer III CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Intercessory prayer can be very difficult because it is for others and not for ourselves and so we don’t have the same urgency when we approach the throne of grace on their behalf.  Furthermore, there are some other problems: Forgetfulness –...

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Intercessory Prayer II, 1 Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer II CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Continuing with the last lesson that we taught on intercessory prayer, there are many good things for which you can pray for others.  You can pray for their health, their families, their marriages, their finances, their jobs, their testimony, and their...

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Intercessory Prayer, 1 Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Intercessory prayer is such an important aspect of our Christian lives, but it is also probably one of the most neglected.  We all need to be encouraged to pray more for each other and for the lost.  Notice: The Holy Spirit intercedes...

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Pray Up Treasure in Heaven, Matt 6:19-21

Praying Up Treasure in Heaven Matt 6: 19-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many years ago, I heard Jim Modlish preach a sermon on prayer from Matt 6:19-21, that I believe he titled, “The Prayer Bank.”  Matthew 6 is a chapter devoted almost entirely to prayer.  For instance, the “Lord’s Prayer” is...

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Be Sure God is Listening, Jn 14:13-15

Be Sure God is Listening When you intercede, you want to be sure God is listening.  The way to be sure God is listening is to: Come to God Obediently – Jn 14:13-15, 21, 23. God might ask, “Why should I do what you’re asking me to do, when you’re...

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Watch and Pray, Matt 26:41

In Matt 26:41, the Lord’s instruction to his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane was not just to pray, but to watch and pray.  This watch is like a sentry on watch.  So, like a sentry, we need to be ready to respond to any situation with prayer no matter...

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Pray for Others, 1 Sam 12:23

Pray for Others 1 Sam. 12:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As a judge in Israel, Samuel considered the failure to pray for others in Israel a sin.  Samuel said, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you…” [1 Sam 12:23].  Perhaps, it is not...

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The Importance of Thanksgiving, Ps 100:4-5

The Importance of Thanksgiving Ps.100: 4-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the season of giving.  Decorations for Christmas are on display and you have already begun shopping for loved ones and friends.  In giving you will undoubtedly experience the blessing of which Paul spoke when he quoted Jesus in Acts...

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Effectual Intercessory Prayers, Jas 5:16

In Jas 5:16 we are told to pray for one another.  This is called intercessory prayer.  We intercede during prayer meeting for loved ones and missionaries.  But how do we know that these are effectual intercessory prayers?  How do we know that God hears us and is willing to answer? ...

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The Holy Ghost in You, Rom 8:16

The Holy Ghost in You Rom. 8:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you get saved, you have the Holy Ghost in you.  There are several things he does in you.  We’ll deal with a few of the more important ones.  The Holy Ghost in you: Assures you – Rom 8:16 –...

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