Isaac Typifies Christ, Gen 22:1-14

Isaac Typifies Christ This study of the similarities between Isaac and Jesus Christ is not intended to be a comprehensive comparison of all the ways they are similar.  For a study of all their similarities see our Sunday school lesson in Genesis 21 The Birth of Isaac.  In this study...

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In the Mount of the Lord It Shall be Seen

In the Mount of the Lord It Shall be Seen Gen. 22: 1-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Mount of the Lord It Shall be Seen Genesis 24:1-14 In this message we are going to look at Abraham’s willingness to offer up Isaac as a burnt offering to the Lord....

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Abrahams Family Gen. 12:1-4

Abrahams Family Gen.-12:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about four episodes in Abrahams family where Abraham experienced grief over decisions he made for the Lord’s sake.  Some of the grievous episodes with Abrahams family are like episodes in a missionary’s family.  These episodes are also like what happens in...

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Where is the Lamb Gen. 22:1-14

Where is the Lamb Gen 22:1-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the passage before us we see Isaac, who is a great type of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, ask a remarkable question. The question is, “but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” The reason that he is...

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Allegory of Sarah and Hagar Gal 4:21-31

Allegory of Sarah & Hagar Gal. 4:21-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gal 4:21-31 is the allegory of Sarah and Hagar.  In this passage, Paul makes his third defense in this chapter showing why the Galatians should not be back under the law. He contrasts Sarah and Isaac with Hagar and Ishmael...

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All Things Are Possible With God Job 42:1-2

All Things Are Possible With God Job 42:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are going to examine five places in the Bible where it is evident that all things are possible with God.  Each of these is in the context of a miraculous birth.  Each of these is impossible without God. ...

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Good and Bad Siblings Gen. 4:1-8

Good & Bad Siblings Gen. 4:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why do some children raised in good homes turn out well and some turn out so poorly? We’ll attempt to discover what causes good and bad siblings by examining some families in the Bible. Whether a sibling turns out well or...

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Obedience of Abraham Gen. 12

Obedience to Abraham Gen. 12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we are going to examine the obedience of Abraham in three different episodes in his life.  You’re going to see the hard choices he faced when commanded to obey God and you are also going to see the growth of his...

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Lot’s Choice of Direction

Godly Choices     [Acts 9:6]         In this passage God got Saul’s attention and it resulted in this response, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Saul was now ready to make some Godly choices. If you tend to make choices based on anything other than the word of God, you...

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Genesis 27:30-46 Esau’s Blessing

  When Esau returned from hunting and cooking, he was shocked to find out that Jacob had stolen his blessing.  Esau wept, begged for a blessing and received it, and decided to kill his brother.  So, Rebekah sent Jacob away to her brother Laban until Esau could cool off.  ...

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