Genesis 27:1-29 Jacob’s Deception

  Genesis 27:1-29 Jacob’s Deception CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO   When Isaac was 124, he had nearly gone blind.  His older brother, Ishmael, had died the year before.  So, Isaac decided it was time to “get his house in order,” and pass on the family blessing to his oldest heir,...

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Genesis 26:6-35 Isaac’s Troubles in Gerar

Genesis 26:6-35 Isaac’s Troubles in Gerar CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO He Stayed Too Long, v. 6 When God told Isaac to dwell in Gerar, he told him to “sojourn.”  To sojourn means to stay as a temporary resident.  To dwell means to live, reside, inhabit or occupy as a place...

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Genesis 25 Abraham’s Family Tree

  In this lesson, we will study about Abraham’s other children from Keturah, Ishmael’s children, and Isaac’s children.  We will see where these children settled.  Then we will study, briefly, the types of christians that Esau and Jacob represent.  Finally, we will learn what happens to the soul at death....

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Genesis 24 Isaac’s Marriage

Genesis:24 Isaac’s Marriage CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This history of Abraham’s servant going to get a bride for Isaac is more than just a factual history concerning the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.  It also pictures the Holy Spirit’s work in getting a bride for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Abraham’s...

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Genesis 21:1-8 The Birth of Isaac

02-9-22 Genesis 21:1-8i ISAAC – A TYPE OF CHRIST So often in the Old Testament, God foreshadows something prophetically by the use of types, similitude and metaphors.  Such is the case with the birth of Isaac.  His birth is a literal, historical event.  But Isaac so strongly typifies the Lord...

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