He Shall Save His People, Matt 1:21

He Shall Save His People Matt 1:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Matt 1:21 says, “… thou shall call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.”  Today we are going to preach on the doctrine and the implications of this verse of scripture.  It is important to...

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America Must Stand With Israel

America Must Stand With Israel Gen. 12:2-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you didn’t know this already, America must stand with Israel. A pastor friend of mine said, “I believe that the reason God has not judged America is that we continue to support Israel and we continue to support missions.”...

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What God Enlarges For Israel, Is 5:14

What God Enlarges For Israel Is 5: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we find several references to the word “enlarge.”  A number of these references deal directly with Israel.  So, today we are going to see what God enlarges for Israel.  God enlarges: The judgment of Israel –...

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Ignoring the Lord, Num 22:12-13

Ignoring the Lord Num. 22:12-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about ignoring the Lord. I preach this message in the fear of the Lord.  The Lord may have spoken to us in his words and in preaching about a particular matter and to think that we may have ignored...

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The Lord Hath Chosen Zion

The Lord Hath Chosen Zion Psalm 132:13 A lot is going on today regarding protest and war in Israel. In this lesson we are going to look at a driving force behind this conflict from the bible as well as make a spiritual application for saved people living in the...

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Why God Chose Abraham, Gen 12:1

Before going into a study of Abraham’s typology, we should understand why God chose Abraham.  Why does God even have a chosen people on earth?  The reason God chose Abraham is this. God’s eternal plan was to become incarnate.  So, he chose a man from whom his seed would come. ...

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Learning from God’s Word About Israel

Learning from God’s Word About Israel Genesis 12:1-9 There is a lot going on in the news and on social media regarding the nation of Israel today. From the war in Gaza, Iran’s attack of Israel, to antisemitic protest at college campuses and other places throughout our country. During these...

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Return from Captivity, Zeph 3:18-20

Return from Captivity Zeph. 3:18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Israel’s return from captivity in Zeph 3:18-20.  The shocking thing about this passage is that not only will the Jews be reconciled to their Messiah as in the former passage and at rest in their own land, but they will be praised...

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Sing O Daughter of Zion, Zeph 3:14-17

Sing O Daughter of Zion Zeph. 3:14-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sing O daughter of Zion is one of the best passages in the Bible to see why there is so much rejoicing in the Psalms and why there are so many references to overthrowing the enemies of Israel.  The passages...

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The Remnant of Israel, Zeph 3:11-13

The Remnant of Israel Zeph. 3:11-13 CLICK  TITLE FOR AUDIO Zeph 3:11-13 is about the Remnant of Israel.  Israel will be weeded out to a mere remnant of it’s size due to the fact that they are still proudly opposed to their Messiah and they continue to transgress the Lord...

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