He Shall Save His People, Matt 1:21

He Shall Save His People Matt 1:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Matt 1:21 says, “… thou shall call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.”  Today we are going to preach on the doctrine and the implications of this verse of scripture.  It is important to...

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Being the Mother of Jesus

Being the Mother of Jesus Luke 2:1-52 In this lesson we are going to focus on many of the things that Mary was told about Jesus before he was born. In looking at these things we can see how that Mary and Joseph had one of the most challenging job,...

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Jesus Was Tempted, Heb 4:15

Heb 4 15 Jesus Was Tempted CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Heb 4:15 says that Jesus Christ “was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”  Jesus is God manifest in the flesh.  As such, how is it that he could have been tempted, since “God cannot be tempted...

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Jesus Christ is God, 1 Tim 3:16

1 Tim 3 16 Jesus is God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Jesus Christ is God The subject of this broadcast concerns the Deity of Christ.  That is the belief that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, and not a lesser god or a created god, like some religions...

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Jesus the Bridegroom, Jn 3:29

Jesus the Bridegroom Jn. 3: 29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John the Baptist called himself the friend of the bridegroom in Jn 3:29, when he was referring to Jesus Christ.  In Matt 25:1-10, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ returns like a bridegroom coming to his marriage.  The sun typifies...

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Jesus in the Four Gospels

Jesus in the Four Gospels CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The four gospels are four different, supplemental accounts of the life of Jesus Christ. In them, Jesus has four different capacities.  We are going to study these different presentations of Jesus in the four gospels and their significance to us. Matthew – Christ...

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The Reality of Hell

The Reality of Hell Luke 16:19-31 In our passage for this sermon Jesus gives a description of what happens to a person that goes to hell. We will use some of the things found in this passage as well as things found elsewhere in the Bible to show the reality...

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The Blood that Speaks

The Blood that Speaks (Hebrews 12:22-24) The passage in Hebrews is dealing with things that are in heaven. One of the things referred to is the blood of sprinkling. This blood is said to speak better things than the blood of Abel. In this sermon we are going to look...

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Adam and Jesus Compared

In this lesson, we will study the similarities and disparities between Adam and Jesus. Similarities Both sons of God.  Lk 3:38, Lk 1:35 Both have wives.  Gen 2:22-24, Eph 5:30-32 Both wives come forth from their flesh.  Gen 2:21-22, Eph 5:30 Both “die” to bring forth their wives. Gen 2:21,...

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