His Son Jesus Christ, Rom 1:3-4

When Paul wrote to the Romans he spoke of the gospel of God “concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord”, Rom 1:3.  Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. His Son Jesus Christ is: The Son of God – Rom 1:4.  Our God is a consuming fire.  If it...

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Memorials, Acts 7:57-60

Memorials Acts 7: 57-60 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Memorial Day is a day for us to remember those who died while serving in our country’s armed forces.  In general, people still have great regard for those who serve our country in the armed forces.  We have seen, at several graduations,...

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The Only Potentate, 1 Tim 6:15

Paul wrote to Timothy that Jesus Christ is “the blessed and only Potentate”.  A potentate is one who possesses great power as a sovereign, monarch, or ruler.  A sovereign is one possessing supreme political power and authority.  A monarch is a person who reigns over a kingdom.  One that holds...

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A Ransom For All, 1 Tim 2:3-6

In 1 Tim 2:3-6 Paul refers to Jesus as our Saviour, our mediator, and our ransom.   Jesus is our Saviour who saves us from our sins.  1 Tim 2:4 says, “Who will have all men to be saved”, because all men are sinners.  He must be your Saviour because...

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What Have You Done With Your Gift?

At this time of year, people generally give and receive lots of gifts.  Sometimes you receive a gift that is very special.  Perhaps it’s one that you admire or use often.  In some cases, you like what you were given so much that you, in turn, give the same gift...

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Jesus Christ Our High Priest, Heb 7:22-28

This sermon from Heb 7:26 is about Jesus Christ our High Priest. He is far greater than any other priest. In the Old Testament the Jews had priests that offered sacrifices for them in the temple.  Among the priests there was a high priest.  Not only did the Jews have...

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After The Order of Melchisedec, Heb 7

In Hebrews 7 Paul explains how Jesus Christ is a high priest who is greater than the Levitical priests who descended from Aaron.  Jesus Christ is a priest after the order of Melchisedec, v.1-3, Ps 110:4.   This is significant because: Melchisedec was a king, v.1-2.  His name means King...

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My Heart is Fixed, Ps 108:1

“O God, my heart is fixed,” David sang and praised the Lord.  His heart was truly fixed.  When you are saved, you can sing with David, My heart is fixed: In the sense that it has been fixed permanently (like color is fixed in dyeing).  When you receive Jesus Christ...

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The King Shall Be His Friend, Prov 22:11

The King Shall Be His Friend Prov. 22:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 22:11 Solomon said, The king shall be his friend. If you want King Jesus to be your friend then you will love certain things he loves.  King Jesus will be your friend if you: Love the Lord...

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Two Great Lights, Gen 1:16

Two Great Lights Gen. 1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been studying the darkness in the universe for the last two broadcasts.  We have seen that this darkness was created by God [Is 45:7] and fills the entire universe.  This darkness is separated from the light God created in...

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