Christ’s Gifts to Men Eph. 4:11a

Ephesians 4:11a Christ’s Gifts to Men CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christ gave himself and then when he left he gave some men to help the body of Christ.  He also gave us grace to do our function in the body (v. 7).  Every one of us has been given grace that...

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The Mystery of Christ Eph. 3:1-12

 Ephesians 3:1-12 The Mystery of Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul wrote Ephesians while in he was in Rome as a prisoner.  So in v. 1, when he says a prisoner…for you Gentiles, he is serious.  If he would have compromised the gospel and preached circumcision, he would have escaped imprisonment,...

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My Redeemer Liveth Job 19:25-27

My Redeemer Liveth Job 19:25-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A preacher saw a young boy carrying a birdcage with 5 little sparrows in it that he had caught.  He asked the boy what he planned to do with the birds.  The boy said, “I’m just going to mess around with them. ...

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A Firm Foundation 1 Cor. 3 :11

A Firm Foundation 1 Cor. 3 :11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is no other foundation upon which to build your life than the firm foundation of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said in Matt 16:18. “Upon his rock I will build my church.”  If Jesus is the rock upon which the Church...

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Who are you living for?

Who are You Living For (Colossians 3:1-4) In this lesson we are going to look at 4 verses that will show a saved person who they should be living their life for. It is easy to see why a lost person would live his life for himself or maybe his...

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The People In Your Life Job 42:10-11

The People in Your Life Job 42:10-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Job 42:10-11, we find four groups of people in your life about whom we will preach today: your friends, family, familiars and foes. Friends – Job 42:10 – “friends” – these are the ones who are as close to...

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Great Riches Prov. 13: 7

Great Riches Prov. 13: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is a seeming paradox in Prov 13:7 which says, there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.  That statement doesn’t make logical sense.  Like so many things with God this statement is absolutely contrary to the world’s philosophy of...

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Jesus Christ the Precious Stone 1 Pet. 2:3-9

Jesus Christ the Precious Stone 1 Pet. 2:3-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Pet 2:3-9 is about Jesus Christ the Precious Stone.  Three times in this passage he is referred to as precious.  Jesus is the precious stone because: He is Chosen – 1 Pet 2:4 – he is God’s choice...

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The Faith of Jesus Christ Gal. 2:15-21

The Faith of Jesus Christ Gal. 2:15-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gal 2:16 we find this phrase, the faith of Jesus Christ.  This is the faith of which Jesus is the author and finisher [Heb 12:2].  This is the faith given to us at salvation [Eph 2:8-9].  This is the...

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By Jesus Christ Gal. 1:1-5

By Jesus Christ Gal. 1:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  In the first five verses of Galatians chapter 1 we find a number of things that are by Jesus Christ.  Paul starts out by saying that his apostleship is by Jesus Christ.  But by the time he gets through the first...

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