His Name, Is 9:6-7

Is 9:6-7 … a child is born … and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Is 7:14… call his name Immanuel (God with us). Matt 1:20-21 … thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people...

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Jesus Christ Shall Intreat for Him, 1 Sam 2:25

 Who Shall Intreat For Him? 1 Sam 2:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Sam 2:25 is a tremendous preaching verse.  Using the proceedings of a court to illustrate the problem that Eli’s sons are going to have with God, Eli implores them to repent of their wicked deeds.  And like so...

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Savior Christ Lord, Luke 2:11

The angel of the Lord announced to the shepherds that the birth of Jesus was the birth of a very special person, “a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”  We are going to look at the significance of these three names. A Savior– let’s look back to the prophecy of...

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My Friend, SoS 5:16

In the Song of Solomon is recorded an ongoing conversation between Solomon and his wife.  The book typifies the relationship between Jesus Christ and his bride, the church.  Jesus Christ is the friend to whom the bride is referring in SoS 5:16 when she says, “This is my friend.”  Jesus is: Beloved – in...

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Miracles of Jesus Lesson #8 : Walking on the Water

Miracles of Jesus Lesson #8 : Walking on the Water (Matthew 14:22-36 ; Mark 6:45-52)  For this miracle we will use the account in Matthew as well as the one in Mark. There are some details from each of these passages that we will look need to see. In this...

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My Memorial unto All Generations

My Memorial unto All Generations Exodus 3:13-16 This is a very well-known passage of scripture. It is where God tells Moses that his name is “I AM THAT I AM”. But note that in the passage that his name is said to be “a memorial unto all generations”. In this...

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