Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jn 10:11

Jesus the Good Shepherd Jn 10:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO By comparison to a shepherd we understand that Jesus the good shepherd: Seeks – Lk 15:4-7; 19:10 – he came “to seek and to save that which was lost.” We are not Calvinistic, but we believe the Holy Spirit must be...

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Jesus is the Door, Jn 10:7-9

Jesus is the Door Jn 10:7-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often you will find metaphors used in the Bible.  For instance, we are likened to sheep.  Jesus is likened to a shepherd.  In Jn 10:7-9 Jesus is the door.  Interestingly, we can look through the Bible and find references to doors...

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The Lord’s Delight, Is 42:1

Today, we are studying the Lord’s delight.  We want to know what they are so that we can please him.  If you are a husband and you know that your wife delights in flowers or chocolate, for instance, you’ll be inclined to bring her some fresh flowers and some delicious...

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The Greatest Friend of All, Jn 15:14

The Greatest Friend of All John 15:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been preaching a good bit on friends the last few days and indeed we need good friends.  But lest we overshadow the greatness of Jesus Christ as the greatest friend of all, we need to preach about him...

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A Prayer Checkup

“A Prayer Checkup” Ps. 19:14 Our prayer life needs a checkup from time to time. Just as your car, heart or health, computer, etc. need to be checked out, so does your prayer life. You could find problems that you didn’t know existed. You then can fix them before they...

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When God Says No Deut. 3:23-26

When God Says No Deut. 3: 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When God Says No Deu.3:23-26 What a Great Opportunity We Have! Introduction: • Many lessons have been taught on the hinderances of prayer • God answers prayer, yes, no, or not now. • Most of mine are no. • God...

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