Three Loaves Lk 11:1-13

Three Loaves Luke 11: 1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I heard a sermon at a conference preached by Pastor Doug Fisher.  I’m not going to preach his message but I want to acknowledge that the thought for this sermon came from his and incorporates some of what he preached.  I’m giving...

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Jesus is All You Need Acts 26:18

Jesus Is All You Need Acts 26:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A friend once said, “I didn’t know that Jesus was all I needed until Jesus was all I had.”  You don’t want to wait until you get to the place where you have nothing before you realize that, in...

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The Next Right Step Luke 17:11-19

The Next Right Step Luke 17: 11-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It’s a new year, and don’t you want to do better than last year? Sometimes you just need to take the next right step. Very often, when giving counsel, we encourage the person to just take “the next right step”....

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To Save Sinners 1Tim. 1:15

To Save Sinners 1Tim. 1:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We read in 1 Tim 1:15 that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.  Most people think they understand what this verse says about Jesus.  The truth is they only understand what they have been taught about him and not...

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Convenient for Me

Convenient for Me Prov.30:8   According to the words of Agur, he wanted to be fed with food that is convenient for him. The definition is “suitable for your purposes or needs, and causing the least difficulty”. Pizza delivery at home, drive thru windows, fast food joints, all fit that...

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Good Tidings of Great Joy

  Good Tidings of Great Joy Luke 2:10                 “Joy to the world!  the Lord is come…” is a familiar hymn that is sung around Christmas time. The Bible speaks of good tidings of great joy. Is Christmas time a great joy to you? The world has sure turned it...

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Some Facts about Truth John 18:33-38

Some Facts About Truth John 18:33-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO                 In this passage Pilate has a problem. Jesus has been brought before him for judgment, yet he says “What is truth?” As Bible believers we know that Jesus Christ is the truth [John 14:6] and that God’s words are also [John 17:17]. Pilate...

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Sin Nature Eph. 2:1-3

Sin Nature Eph. 2: 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have heard it before, you have a sin nature passed down to you from Adam. Because of the Virgin Birth, Jesus Christ was born without a sin nature, [1Cor.15:22] “for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all...

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