Cursing the Ruler

Cursing the Ruler Ex.22:28                 Thou shall not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people. It has become common place to curse or revile our leaders. Parents, employers, political leaders, husbands, and pastors are all targets, and are shot at constantly. The news media promotes it, social...

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Dual Authority

Dual Authority Matt. 6:24                 Two masters is dual authority. It never works, not at home, at work, at church, and not with God. You must pick one and love it and hold to it. No man can serve two masters. Who or what is your single authority? It is...

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Upon This Rock Matt.16:16

Upon This Rock Matt. 16:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus answered Peter’s confession, he said… upon this rock I will build my church. He wasn’t talking about Peter and the Roman Catholic Church here. He was talking about himself, “the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And that’s because...

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Isaiah 61:1-11 The Ministry of Jesus Christ

The Ministry of Jesus Christ Is. 61:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah 61 is all about the ministry of Jesus Christ. The first one and a half verses were fulfilled during the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ and the remainder of the chapter will be fulfilled when he returns [see Lk...

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For Jesus’ Sake Is. 48: 9-11

For Jesus’ Sake Is. 48: 9-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We get the idea sometimes as Christians that all the good things of salvation were given to us to demonstrate God’s love for us. We look at salvation simply from the view of what God did for us. It’s as if...

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He Giveth Power to the Faint

Is 40:29 says of the Lord that he giveth power to the faint.  He can do this because he never faints [Is 40:28].  The Lord assures us that we are going to be faint.  But instead of encouraging us to pull ourselves up by our boot straps, the Lord gives...

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God in Genesis Gen. 1:1-3

God in Genesis Gen 1:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about what a man will learn about God in Genesis by just reading the first three chapters of the Bible for the first time.  He would see: God’s Creation – Gen 1:1 – God made everything – when a...

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“Yet he hath not root in himself”

“Yet he hath not root in himself,” Matt.13:18-23                 The Lord speaks of one that “hath no root in himself” in this passage. In this lesson we will look at a few things about roots and what type you should have. Most of the time they, are not seen, they...

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How to Defend Against Lust

How to Defend Against Lust James 1: 13-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on how to defend against lust.  When Adam and Eve were created, they had everything they needed and were content.  However, the devil showed Eve that she was missing being “as gods knowing good and evil.” ...

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