Ask In Jesus Name

Ask in Jesus Name John 14:13-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We come to the throne of God in Jesus’ name.  Prayer in Jesus’ name is of major importance to the answers you hope to get. Jesus substitutes for us before God’s throne.  We come to the Lord in prayer and Jesus...

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The Light of the Eyes Prov. 15: 30

The Light of the Eyes Prov 15:30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast is about the light of the eyes.  Light rejoices the heart – so if you want a joyful heart you have to have light in your eyes – that light comes from two sources: Jesus Christ – John...

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Why Do People Hate the Name of Jesus

Why Do People Hate the Name of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the government considers removing “God” from public institutions, it’s not God that they despise so much as it is the name “Jesus.”  After all, we still have “In God We Trust” on our currency and we still pledge...

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How Excellent is Thy Name

Excellent is Thy Name  Ps 8 1 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO His Excellent Name is Jesus: Ps 8 says, How excellent is thy name! His name speaks of his glory – Phil 2 – above even the heavens His name speaks of his creation – Jn 1:3, Col 1:16 The...

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Words Jesus Christ Gave to Peter and John John 21: 15-25

Word’s Jesus Christ Gave to Peter & John John 21:15-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson concerns things spoken by the Lord to Peter and John before the Lord’s ascension.  In this passage the first thing we see concerning Peter is his restoration to the ministry. Peter denied Jesus three times...

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The Lord Appears to the Disciples, Jn 20:24-21:14

The Lord Appears to the Disciples John 20:24, 21:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we mainly want to point out some things that happened the second and third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples. The remainder of John Chapter 20 deals with the revelation to Thomas and the...

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Jesus Before Pilate, Jn 18:28-38

Jesus Before Pilate John 18:28-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we will continue to compare scripture with scripture to harmonize the seemingly disjointed presentation of this event throughout the Gospels to determine how the verses are properly arranged. In this passage Jesus is being led from Caiaphas to Pilate...

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I Am He, Jn 18:1-9

I Am He John 18:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus Christ said “I am he” those who accosted Him fell backwards. In this study we are going to show that Jesus was speaking the Tetragrammaton that no one else could speak.  The tetragrammaton [gr. for four letters] are the four...

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The Servant of the Lord

The Servant of the Lord Deut 34:10-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Do you want to do great things for the Lord, if he has in mind for you to do great things for him?  The answer is generally, “Yes.”  Well, let’s look at some men in the Bible and see what...

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Knowing the Lord, Jn 14:7-14

If You Knew Me John 14:7-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to this text there are great things that come from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. The more obvious things we think of are being saved by His shed blood and being justified from our sins so that we’re not found...

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