The Works of My Father, Jn 10:19-42

The Works of My Father John 10:19-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The testimony of Jesus Christ is that He is God, He is the Son of God and He is the Christ. The works that Jesus did were works that were attributed to God the Father. Therefore, Jesus had to be...

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Other Sheep, Jn 10:16-18

Other Sheep John 10:16-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep because it is God’s command (John 10:17, 6:38, 14:31) The good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep because it is His desire (John 10:18, 2:19, and 19:10-11) Laying down of life...

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The Door, Jn 10:7-10

The Door John 10:7-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the previous lesson it was explained that a sheepfold had only one door. In this text we learn that Jesus Christ is that door through which all must pass to enter into the sheepfold. When the sheep go in they are protected...

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Believe on the Son of God, Jn 9:35-41

Believe on the Son of God John 9:35-41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the blind man confessed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God the Pharisees then cast him out of the synagogue. When the blind man said, “If this man were not of God, he could do nothing” (John...

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Jesus’ True Identity, Jn 8:46-59

Jesus’ True Identity John 8:46-59 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage Jesus fully reveals His true identity to the Pharisees. However, since the Pharisees are in bondage to sin and therefore blind to the truth, they miss the revelation. What is it the nature of Jesus’ true identity that He...

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Foreknowledge of Jesus, Jn 6:64-71

Jesus’ Foreknowledge John 6:64-71 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus has just finished his discourse on eating the flesh of the Son of man and drinking his blood. This caused a stir because some people thought this was literal.  This is not literal; it has to do with believing his words.  He...

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Isaiah 6:1 – A Vision of God

 A Vision of God Is 6:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah saw the Lord; he had a vision of God.  The problem that immediately arises in this text is that the Bible says that no man hath seen God at any time, Jn 1:18.  In Ex 33:20, the Lord told Moses,...

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Jesus’ Exaltation, Phil 2:9-11

 Phil 2: 9-11 Jesus’ Exaltation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO    Yesterday we saw that the way up is down, and the Lord had to go way down to save us.  Seven steps down: No reputation Servant Likeness of men Fashion of man Humble Obedient Crucified The work of redemption is done;...

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Jesus’ Humility Phil. 2:5-8

 Phil 2: 5-8 Jesus’ Humility CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As a preacher said about the Christian life, “The way up is down.”  In the life of John of whom it was said, “There is not a greater prophet than John,” he made the way of humility clear when Christ began to...

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