The Mother of Jesus
Luke 1: 26- 47 The Mother of Jesus Christ. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What sort of woman did God choose to be the mother of his Son? Be that kind of mother if you want to be the best you can be. She was: A Virgin – v.27 – she kept...
Luke 1: 26- 47 The Mother of Jesus Christ. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What sort of woman did God choose to be the mother of his Son? Be that kind of mother if you want to be the best you can be. She was: A Virgin – v.27 – she kept...
Our Friend Jesus Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 18:24, a friend shows himself friendly – in other words, by the things he does, he demonstrates that he is a friend – Jesus has certainly shown himself to be friendly to us – just look at some of the ways....
Matt 28:16-20 Forty Days before the Ascension CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Following the appearances on the first day, Jesus appeared to his disciples several more times over the period of forty days before the ascension (Acts 1:3). Each time the Bible records something different that happened. In Matt 28:16-20, Jesus...
Matt 28:1-15 The Resurrection of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is easiest to view the resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of the various characters that were involved. The characters directly involved with the resurrection are: The Two Mary’s Matt 28:1 at first daylight, Mary Magdalene and Mary the...
Matt 27:55-56 The Burial of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are given quite a few details concerning the people and events surrounding the burial of Jesus. Not all of the details are found in Matthew, but rather in all of the gospels. Therefore, we will break our study down...
Matt 27:51-53 The Rending of the Veil CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus Christ died on the cross, he yielded up the ghost, which is to say that his spirit went up to God (Lk 23:46, Ecc 12:7). Simultaneously, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the...
Matt 27:27-38 The Crucifixion CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This study is a little more easily taught in a verse by verse fashion rather than topically because there are so many different things going on in the passage surrounding the crucifixion. So, we will comment on each verse according to the...
Matt 27:15-26 The Release of Barabbas CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Companion passages are found in Mk 15:6-15; Lk 23:17-25; and Jn 18:39-40. We’ll study these along with the text to glean all the meat out of this passage. One of the ploys that Pilate tried, since he was determined to...
Matt 27:11-14 Jesus Accused before Pilate and Herod CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The companion passages that cross reference these verses are found in Mk 15:1-5; Lk 23:1-16 and Jn 18:28-38. You will want to refer to these in order to understand everything that happened during the trial of Jesus from...
AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON The best way to study this passage is to compare it with the companion passages in the other gospels. That way, you get the whole picture of just what went on in the beginning of the trial of Jesus. The companion passages are Mk 14:53-65;...