Matthew 26:57-68 Jesus with Caiaphas

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON The best way to study this passage is to compare it with the companion passages in the other gospels. That way, you get the whole picture of just what went on in the beginning of the trial of Jesus. The companion passages are Mk 14:53-65;...

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Matthew 26:47-56 The Arrest of Jesus

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON In the arrest of Jesus are veiled references to the tribulation and to the Lord’s Second Coming. It should not be a surprise to find these veiled references since Judas Iscariot, the son of perdition, will be here during the final part of the tribulation....

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Matthew 26:17-25 The Betrayal of Jesus

AUDIO RECORDING OF LESSON Matt 26 17-25 The Betrayal of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This meal that was served before the betrayal of Jesus took place in the evening of the same day that Jesus was crucified. Remember that the Jewish day begins at 6 pm. Therefore, this first...

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Matthew 22:41-46 The Son of David

After the Pharisees tried and failed three times to get Jesus to say something they could use against him, they gave up. So, Jesus turned the tables on them and asked them a question about Ps 110:1 that they could not answer. Even if they knew the answer, they would...

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Matthew 22:15-40 How They Might Entangle Him

In a prior lesson, we saw that the Pharisees questioned Jesus’ authority for clearing out the Temple in Matt 21. In response to their question, he trapped them by asking a question regarding John’s baptism that they refused to answer for fear of incrimination. While he had their audience he...

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Matthew 14:26-36 Responses to Jesus Miracles

Matt 14:26-36 Different Responses to Jesus’ Miracles CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Different Responses to Jesus Miracles 26 – it is a spirit – although God is a Spirit and Jesus is God, Jn 4:24, Jesus also has a flesh and bones body that literally arose from the dead and which will...

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Matthew 14:22-25 Jesus Walks on Water

After feeding the 5000, Jesus sent his disciples away to travel by boat to the land of Gennesaret. Instead of traveling with them, he stayed in the mountain alone and prayed. Later, he came to them walking on the water, while they were still rowing through a terrible storm. After...

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Matthew 13:51-58 Jesus Reputation

Matt 13:51-58 Jesus’ Reputation at Home CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before Jesus departed to his own country and after he had finished teaching these parables, he asked the disciples if they understood all that he had taught them. When they answered, he told them they were scribes instructed unto the kingdom...

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Matthew 9:1-13 The Great Physician

Matt 9:1-13 The Great Physician CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said in verse 12, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.” People go to the doctor when they are sick. Therefore, we went to Jesus because we were sick. From this text we see the...

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