We Found the Messiah, Jn 1:35-42

We Found the Messiah John 1:35-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage we find something very interesting concerning John the Baptist and the Messiah. John’s purpose in the ministry was to manifest Jesus toIsrael(John 1:31). Therefore, his ministry would have been a total failure if he had only been able...

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Matthew 21:23-32 Prophetic Aspects of John’s Baptism

When Jesus entered the temple after he had cleansed it, he was challenged by the chief priests and elders on his authority to cast some of them out of the temple. He responded with a question concerning the origin of John’s baptism. They refused to answer him because they didn’t...

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Matthew 17:14-21 Elias must first come

Matt 17:14-21 Elias must first come CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The question was asked, “Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?” The reason for the question is that Peter, James and John had just seen the Lord coming in his kingdom. They knew from the scribes that Elijah...

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Matthew 14:1-12 Death of John the Baptist

Matt 14:1-12 The Death of John the Baptist CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we learn about the death of John the Baptist.  We see by whom, why and how John the Baptist was martyred. We will also see that his death foreshadows the death of the two witnesses in...

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Matthew 11:12-14 John the Baptist – Elijah

Matt 11:12-14 John the Baptist – Elijah CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson simply sets out why Jesus said about John the Baptist, “… this is Elias, which was for to come,” (Matt 11:14). In order to understand this statement, it is necessary to go back beyond “the beginning” to see...

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Matthew 11:1-15 John the Baptist

 Matt 11:1-15 John the Baptist CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When John the Baptist was imprisoned for preaching [Matt 14:3] he sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus a question and Jesus used this opportunity to tell his disciples about John. In this passage we see John the Baptist’s: 1. Doubt...

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Matthew 3:2-12 John the Baptist

Matt 3:2-12 John the Baptist  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John the Baptist was first and foremost a preacher, with a very specific call upon his life. When you examine the prophecy that John the Baptist fulfilled, the raiment he wore, and the ministry he had, you realize that he was very...

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Matthew 3:2 The Kingdom of Heaven

Matt 3:2 The Kingdom of Heaven CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dr. Peter Ruckman has often stated, “The main theme of the Bible is not salvation. The main theme of the Bible is a throne. The Book is about getting the right king on that throne.” That’s a very true statement. When...

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