Rejoice in Answered Prayer, Jn 16:23-24

Rejoice in Answered Prayer Jn. 16:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus showed us in Jn 16:23-24 that we should rejoice in answered prayer.  Getting a prayer answered is a reason to rejoice.  And notice that Jesus said, “that your joy may be full.”  So, he wasn’t just talking about a...

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Rejoice in the Cross, Heb 12:1-3

Heb 12 1-3 Rejoice in the Cross CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul told us to rejoice evermore [1 Thes 5:16]. We have some reasons to rejoice. We should rejoice in the cross.  When Jesus went to the cross there was joy set before him.  There is a great cloud of witnesses...

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The Lord Always Before You, Ps 16:6-11

The Lord Always Before Me Ps 16: 6-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  of The Lord Always Before You In our lives, we are always influenced by the people who are around us, and by the people with whom we associate.  We often live to impress them, whether they are impressed...

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The Benefits of Thanksgiving, 1 Thes 5:18

Benefits of Thanksgiving 1 Thes .5: 18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are commanded to be thankful by the will of God.  One of the reasons is that thanksgiving is beneficial.  The benefits of thanksgiving follow.   Thanksgiving yields contentment – you find that you don’t miss the things that you...

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Helping Others, Gal 6:2

Helping Others Gal.6:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Helping others to bear their burdens has many benefits.  The benefits of helping others are: You lighten their burden – Gal 6:2. When you help someone with a job you lighten their load.  Many hands make light work.  By helping them you make their...

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What God Enlarges For Israel, Is 5:14

What God Enlarges For Israel Is 5: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we find several references to the word “enlarge.”  A number of these references deal directly with Israel.  So, today we are going to see what God enlarges for Israel.  God enlarges: The judgment of Israel –...

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Do Judgment, Prov 21:15

Do Judgment Prov. 21:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three simple words in the first part of Prov 21:15 that all start with the letter “j.”  Those three words are: “joy”, “just” and “judgment.”  We want to examine these words individually and in relation to each other and show you...

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Rejoice in God, Ps 43:4

Rejoice in God I’m convinced that the reason some Christians, particularly young ones, don’t really grow in their relationship with the Lord is that don’t rejoice in that which God has given us as our greatest sources of joy.  They find joys that are associated with Christ (like fellowship with...

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The Hand of God, Ecc 9:1-10

The verses in Ecc 9:1-10 read like thoughts that occurred through a long period of observation and meditation upon life down here under the sun and God’s involvement in these things.  We call this lesson The Hand of God, Life, Joy, and Diligence. A declaration concerning three things (v.1-3): The...

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Full Joy, Jn 16:23-24

Full Joy Jn. 16: 23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At times, we experience full joy in our salvation.  This lesson will discuss those times so that you can have full joy.  On a recent Wednesday night, I preached on abundant joy which we get by being saved, being filled with the...

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