A Godless Society, 2 Tim 3:5

A Godless Society 2 Tim 3:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In a godless society like the one in which we are living now, men still live like they are not godless; they have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof, which is God himself.  They are like Cain,...

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The Image of His Son, Rom 8:29

The Image of His Son What impression do people have about Jesus after they have been with you?  Can they see his image in you.  Jesus said to Philip, “he that hath seen me hath seen the Father”, Jn 14:9.  They could certainly see the Father in Jesus if they...

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Why Do The Heathen Rage, Ps 2:1-3

Why Do The Heathen Rage Ps. 2:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Psalm 2 begins with the question, Why do the heathen rage?  The answer is found in the first three verses of the chapter and then the next two verses show you God’s response to their rage.  We are going to...

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Hearken Unto God, Ps 81:10-16

Hearken Unto God Ps. 81:10-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Israel Should Have Hearkened Unto God We should hearken unto God.  God promised Israel blessings if they would have hearkened unto him.  In Ps 81:10-16, the Lord said that if Israel had hearkened unto him he would have: Subdued their enemies Turned...

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Limit Your Liberty In Christ, Gal 5:13

2 Cor 3:17 says, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”.  But we are not at liberty to do anything we want.  There are limits to our liberty in Christ.  Therefore, limit your liberty in Christ. Limit your liberty used as an occasion to the flesh, Gal...

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Pleasures, Ps 16:11

Pleasures Ps 16:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says in Ps 16:11, “in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forever more.” This Psalm, as you can tell from the context in Ps 16:10, is a reference to Jesus, who is now at the...

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The Servants of Corruption, 2 Pet 2:19

The Servants of Corruption 2 Pet. 2:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today, we find people touting all kinds of liberties both in society and in church – these are basically liberties to sin – the people flaunting their liberty to commit these sins want you to think that they are free...

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Again Entangled, 2 Pet 2:18-22

We have been studying the false teachers who bring in damnable heresies [2 Pet 2:1].  Today, we are going to study 2 Pet 2:18-22, in which we learn what affect these false teachers have on people who have already “escaped from them who live in error,” [2 Pet 2:18].  You’re...

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