Why Do They Lie, Prov 12:19

Why Do They Lie Prov. 12:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO They lie to deceive, to destroy and to kill.  In Gen 3:4 the devil lied to deceive, destroy and kill Adam and Eve.  In Jn 10:10 the thief stole the dominion over the earth from Adam and became the god of...

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The Devil’s Lies, Jn 8:44

The Devil’s Lies Jn 8: 44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of The Devil’s Lies According to Jn 8:44, the devil is a liar and the father of all lies.  He took over the human race in the garden of Eden.  He did it by lying.  The devil has three advantages.  One, he...

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Truth is Fallen, Is 59:14

Truth is Fallen Is 59:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is 59:14 says, And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.  We have seen this verse fulfilled in our own country.  Except for places like a Bible believing preacher’s pulpit, you will...

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How the Devil Attacks Christians, Eph 6:10-18

How the Devil Attacks Christians Eph. 6:10-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil has many devices in his arsenal and we are not to be ignorant of his devices [2 Cor 2:11].  Therefore, we are to understand how the devil attacks Christians.  We can tell how the...

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Perpetual Backsliding, Jer 8:5

Perpetual Backsliding Jer. 8:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Perpetual backsliding is a phrase used to describe Judah’s condition during the ministry of Jeremiah.  This is a condition in which the country had gotten so far away from God there was no turning back to him.  The Lord said that they held...

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The Sinners’ Delight, Ps 62:4

These are the things in which sinners delight.  We’re studying these in their chronological order as they appear in the Bible.  The Sinners’ delight is in:  Lies – Ps 62:4 – Jer 6:10 they have no delight in the word of the Lord.  Jer 5:30-31 they would rather hear someone...

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Two Kinds of Witnesses, Prov 14:5

With God, things are absolute.  A person is either saved or he’s lost.  There is no in between.  He’s either a child of God or he’s a child of the devil.  There are no other spiritual families, no matter what religion he claims to be.  He’s either going to heaven...

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Lying Vanities, Jon 2:8

The theme of VBS this year is God’s Mercy.  And the Bible story is from the book of Jonah.  Right before Jonah was delivered to Nineveh by ‘whale mail’, he said, “They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy”, Jon 2:8.  Lying vanities found in Jonah are: That you...

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Why You Lie, Gen 18:15

Why You Lie Gen.18:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson examines, from the Bible, why you lie.  You lie because: You are afraid of people knowing the truth – Gen 18:15 – Sarah laughed when she heard the Lord proclaim that she was going to have a son – when...

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