Something to Hide, Gen 3:7-10

When you have something to hide you do things to conceal the truth.  The funny thing is that when you do these things you are unknowingly revealing that you have something to hide.  You are “giving away” your guilt.   You can’t hide from God.  So, today we are going to...

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Two Prayer Requests for My Lifetime Prov. 30: 7-9

Two Requests for My Lifetime Prov. 30: 7-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 30:7-9, there were two prayer requests that Agur made of the Lord.  He asked the Lord to, “Remove far from me vanity and lies,” and “Give me neither poverty nor riches.”  Both of these are excellent prayer...

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Isaiah 28:14-29 Overflowing Scourge

Overflowing Scourge Is 28 14-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is an overflowing scourge coming up on the earth [Is 28:15, 18].  A scourge is a whip or other flogging instrument; any means of inflicting severe punishment, suffering or vengeance.  This scourge is called a consumption and it is determined upon...

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A Potsherd Covered with Silver Dross Prov. 26: 23-28

A Potsherd Covered With Silver Dross Prov. 26 :23-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is about a potsherd covered with silver dross.  A potsherd is a fragment or piece of broken pottery – dross is the worthless material that is removed from the silver when it is refined (it’s...

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Their Lies Caused Them To Err

Their Lies Caused Them To Err CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Amos said about Judah, their lies caused them to err.  When we consider how people get messed up in the world, we often find that a lie is what caused them to get off track.  Lies like evolution, religion, sales pitches...

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The Multitude of Words Prov. 10: 9

The Mulitude of Words Prov. 10 :9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Open your mouth too much and sin – Multitude of words You’ll end up blaming someone other than the guilty party – (Gen 3:12)  And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave...

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