Spiritual Light, Jn 1:1-5

God Has Provided Spiritual Light God has provided spiritual light for the darkness in the world.  The condition of the world is darkness.  This darkness is both literal and spiritual.  In Gen 1, literal darkness was upon the face of the deep.  So, God said Let there be light.  Then...

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How to Keep From Being Afraid, Ps 27:1-4

In Ps 27:1, David asked two questions.  The first is, “Whom shall I fear?”  The second is, “Of whom shall I be afraid?”  When you ask yourself these two questions, it seems that there is always someone who is big enough and bad enough to scare you.  When you consider...

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A Child is Born and a Son is Given

A Child is Born and a Son is Given (Part 2)  Isaiah 9:6 In the first part of this lesson, we looked at how this verse shows Deity of Jesus Christ. We also connected it with the virgin birth which doctrinally shows us how Jesus could be God manifest in...

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God Given Lights, Gen 1:3

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON God is light [1 Jn 1:5] and in the world is darkness [Gen 1:2, 4-5].  So, the Lord has given us lights in this dark world, which is governed by the “rulers of the darkness of this world,” Eph 6:12. ...

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The Armour of Light

The Armour of Light Romans 13:8-14 In the word of God our spiritual armour is said to be 3 things. In the text for this sermon it is called the armour of light. In 2 Corinthians 6:7 it is called the armour of righteousness and in Ephesians 6:11 it is...

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Now Are Ye Light, Eph 5:8-14

This Sunday school lesson is from Eph 5:8-14 which deals with Christians as children of light.  In Eph 5:8, Paul wrote, “For ye were sometimes darkness.”  “Sometimes” here is defined as “at one time,” as in Eph 2:13.  Before we were saved we were darkness.  Now that we are saved...

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My Heart Shall Not Fear, Ps 27:1-3

In Ps 27:1-3 David asks, Whom shall I fear?  Of whom shall I be afraid?  The context of these questions is a fight.  Notice the references to the wicked, mine enemies, my foes, an host, and war.  We are in a fight.  Paul told Timothy to fight the good fight...

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Death Worketh In Us, 2 Cor 4:1-18

Today we are studying 2 Cor 4.  The theme of this passage is from verse 12, “death worketh in us.” Paul constantly suffered as he preached the gospel, (what he called, “this ministry,” verse 1). In second Corinthians 3:6 he said, we are “ministers of the New Testament,” and in...

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Is There Not A Cause

1 Sam 17:29 Is There Not A Cause CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When David came to the valley of Elah to check on the progress of the battle against the Philistines, he saw Goliath and he saw the men of Israel flee from him when he came out and offered his challenge. ...

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Spiritual Darkness and Light Col 1:13

Spiritual Darkness and Light Col. 1: 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about spiritual darkness and light.  Before a man gets saved he walks in darkness.  The way of the wicked is as darkness [Prov 4:19].  Those who leave the paths of uprightness walk in darkness [Prov 2:13].  And...

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