Watch Your Lips, Prov 17:7

Your lips are the gate keepers of your mouth.  They can either let bad and untoward things come forth from your mouth or they can be used to bring forth good and beneficial things.  Therefore, you need to watch your lips.  There are many different kinds of lips that we...

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Choice Silver and a Precious Jewel, Prov 10:20

Your tongue can be as choice silver and your lips can be a precious jewel.  Yet, James said that the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity… and it is set on fire of hell,” Jas 3:6-8.  Tonight we’re going to discuss “the tongue of the just,” Prov 10:20...

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They Angered Him, Ps 106:32-33

In Ps 106:32-33 we read that “They angered him.”  This is a reference to Num 20:1-13 where Israel chided with Moses because they had no water to drink.   They provoked his spirit – Ps 106:33.  To provoke is defined to arouse or to incite to anger. Up till now,...

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