Rejoice in the Lord, Is 61:10-11

Is 61: 10-11 Rejoice in the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We rejoice in the Lord because he is our God, he saved us, he gave us his righteousness, he has espoused us to him, and he’s coming back for us.  We so often look for joy in things and in...

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Whosoever, Rom 10:13

Whosoever Rom. 10:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we find two references to the word whosoever that describe two completely different groups of people.  Rom 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  That’s one group; they’re saved.  Rev 20:15 says,...

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Confidence in the Lord, Ps 27:1-3

Confidence in the Lord Ps. 27: 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is Your Confidence in the Lord? When it comes to our life in the Lord, you must ask yourself this question.  In what or in whom am I placing my confidence.  Now, we are going to automatically say, “The Lord.” ...

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It Is The Lord, 1 Sam 12:6-13

1 Samuel 12:6-13 It Is The Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 6:6-13, Israel essentially rejected the Lord when they demanded a king, and by doing so missed the fact that all the time since they had been a nation “it is the Lord” that had been taking care...

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Savior Christ Lord, Luke 2:11

The angel of the Lord announced to the shepherds that the birth of Jesus was the birth of a very special person, “a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”  We are going to look at the significance of these three names. A Savior– let’s look back to the prophecy of...

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We are Strangers, 1 Pet 2:11

According to 1 Pet 2:11, you and I are strangers and pilgrims in the earth.  When you live your life for Christ [Phil 1:21], when you are not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind [Rom 12:2], when you abstain from fleshly lusts [1 Pet...

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The Saints’ Delight, Ps 37:4

These are the things in which the saints should delight.  The saints’ delight should be: The Lord – Ps 37:4 – “Delight thyself in the Lord…”. You delight in the Lord by loving him [Matt 22:36-37]; by knowing him [Phil 3:10]; by fellowshipping with him [1 Jn 1:3]; by praying...

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Contrast the Devil and The Lord, Acts 26:18

There is a great contrast between the devil and the Lord.  They are diametrically opposed.   Notice these qualities of the Devil Darkness – Eph 6:12 he is among the rulers of the darkness of this world; though he has transformed himself into an angel of light to counterfeit the...

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Why Call Me Lord, Lk 6:46

In Lk 6:46 Jesus asked his disciples, “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say”?  That’s an excellent and compelling question.  Why call me Lord? It’s interesting to note the context in which he asked this question. Beginning in Lk 6:20, Jesus spoke...

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