If You Love Me, Jn 14:15-24

If You Love Me John 14:15-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The whole blessing of salvation in Jesus Christ begins with loving Jesus Christ because salvation is a matter of the heart and not a matter of the action. This is a very confusing point that people trip on because our first...

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Keep My Commandments, Jn 14:15

If You Love Me, Keep My Commandmetns John 14:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Upon reading this verse it is easy to think that it is all about salvation by works and legalism. But in this message we want to show you that Jesus was speaking here of something very practical. If...

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Spiritual Giving

Spiritual Giving 1Chronicles 29: 1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Giving is a very spiritual aspect of our salvation.  This passage contains some of the major components of giving.  In giving there is: Affection – v.3-5a – David had affection to the “house of my God” and so he gave – 2...

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God Doesn’t Despise Small Things

God Does’nt Despise Small Things Zech 4: 10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God won’t despise the small things you can do for him: When they are not withheld – Jn 6:9 – the lad could have easily withheld the five loaves and two fish because they were so small compared with...

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Affections Above

 Affections Above Col. 3: 1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People talk about loving things.  They love soccer, they love BBQ, they love music, they love kids, and so forth.  But the Bible says that we are to set our affections on things above.  Why? Because things below can draw you...

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To Live or Die Phil. 1:21-26

Philippians 1:21-26 To Live or Die CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul’s life is so tied to Christ’s that he would rather die than live so that he could be with Him.  He said in v. 21, “To die is gain.”  In v. 23, he said, “to be with Christ, which is...

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The Resurrection of Lazarus

John 11, 12: 1-11 The Resurrection of Lazarus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lazarus is an excellent picture of a lost man who gets saved.  Just look at all the wonderful typology. The Compassion of the Savior – 11:3 – the Lord loved him, Jn 3:16 The Character of the Sinner –...

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