A Disciple’s Character, Lk 6:37-49

A Disciple’s Character Lk 6:40, “The disciple is not above his master: but everyone that is perfect shall be as his master”.  So, a disciple is going to be like Jesus Christ.  With a disciple’s character: He’ll Have The Right Attitude, 37-38 He’s not a judger.  Jesus said in Jn...

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Children of the Highest, Lk 6:27-37

Children of the Highest It is very important to discern the doctrinal application of this passage on the children of the highest before studying each verse in the passage. These words were spoken to Jesus’s disciples, v.40.  They were spoken during his earthly ministry, before his crucifixion.  At this time,...

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The Apostles and the Kingdom of God, Lk 6:12-26

The Apostles and the Kingdom of God Jesus chose the twelve apostles and instructed his disciples regarding the Kingdom of God. Choosing the Apostles, Lk 6:12-16 After spending all night on a mountain in prayer, Jesus called his disciples, and from them he chose twelve apostles.  You can find the...

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The Sabbath Days, Lk 6:1-12

The Sabbath Days Throughout the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Pharisees were looking for reasons to accuse him.  One of their principle accusations was that Jesus didn’t keep the sabbath, Ex 20:8-11. In Lk 6:1-12, Luke records two instances where the Pharisees observed Jesus doing something on the sabbath that...

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Typical Days in Jesus’s Ministry, Lk 5:12-39

Typical Days in Jesus’s Ministry Typical days in Jesus’s ministry included: Healing, Lk 5:12-15 A man full of leprosy came to Jesus, fell on his face, and said, “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean”.  He called him Lord, not Master.  He prayed like Jesus in Gethsemane.. Lord...

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Teaching Simon Peter, Lk 5:1-11

Teaching Simon Peter The scene in Lk 5:1-11 is Jesus at the lake of Genneseret, the sea of Galilee.  A multitude has gathered there to hear him.  But teaching Simon Peter is the Lord’s main objective in this passage. The lesson for Simon, teach and preach the word of God,...

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Authority and Power, Lk 4:33-44

While Jesus was in Capernaum, Lk 4:31, Jesus taught, preached, cast out devils, healed diseases, and prayed.  The people marveled at his authority and power, Lk 4:36. They said, “What a word is this! For with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out”. Jesus taught...

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Jesus’ Early Ministry, Lk 4:14-32

Jesus’ Early Ministry Jesus’s return in the Spirit’s power, 14-16 In Jesus’ early ministry, the power of the Spirit was evidenced in his teaching and preaching.  In Lk 4:32, his word was with power.  Ecc 8:4, “where the word of a king is there is power”.  1 Cor 2:4 Paul’s...

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Jesus’ Temptation, Lk 4:1-13

Jesus’ Temptation Following the Lord’s baptism, Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil.  This was the second thing he did after entering his earthly ministry.  God often tests men whom he plans to use or bless.  God tried Abraham when he...

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Mary’s Genealogy, Lk 3:23-38

Mary’s Genealogy In Lk 3:23-28 we find Mary’s genealogy and some interesting facts regarding the “line of Christ”. You may have heard that Jesus was 33 years old when he died.  We can determine his age by counting the passovers between Lk 3:23 and his crucifixion.  In Jn 1:32-34 Jesus...

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