The Flesh and Spirit, Gal 5:16-25

The Flesh and Spirit How many would like to not fulfill the lust of the flesh?  To not fulfill the lust of the flesh, we need to examine and follow what Paul wrote in Gal 5:16-26 about the flesh and Spirit. The lust of the flesh.  It’s there; it’s always...

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Jesus Was Tempted, Heb 4:15

Heb 4 15 Jesus Was Tempted CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Heb 4:15 says that Jesus Christ “was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”  Jesus is God manifest in the flesh.  As such, how is it that he could have been tempted, since “God cannot be tempted...

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Jesus’ Temptation, Lk 4:1-13

Jesus’ Temptation Following the Lord’s baptism, Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil.  This was the second thing he did after entering his earthly ministry.  God often tests men whom he plans to use or bless.  God tried Abraham when he...

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Choke the Word, Mk 4:19

Choke the Word Mk 4:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Mk 4:19 exposes three things that choke the word and make it unfruitful.  These choke the word in a Christian and choke the word when it is preached to a lost person.  These three things choke the word: Cares of this...

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Arm Yourselves, 1 Pet 4:1-5

Arm Yourselves 1 Pet 4:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Pet 4:1-5, Peter tells us to arm yourselves likewise with the same mind, the mind that Christ had.  As Christ suffered in the flesh for sin to free us from sin, so we have suffered in the flesh and are...

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God Gives You Up, Ps 81:12

God Gave Them Up Ps 81:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the most tragic statements in the Bible is, God gave them up.  When God gives you up to something and leaves you alone to go after it, you are well nigh hopeless, at that point.  Notice the progression of...

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How Christians Fall, 2 Pet 2:18-22

How Do Good Christians Fall 2 Pet 2:18-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How Christians fall.  How is it that a good Christian can go along, seemingly doing fine, and then one day you find him backslidden and almost unrecoverable for any beneficial fellowship with or work for the Lord?  Well, for...

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All That Is In The World, 1 Jn 2:16

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Do you want to know all that is in the world?  According to 1 Jn 2:16 all that is in the world are these three things: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of...

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Again Entangled, 2 Pet 2:18-22

We have been studying the false teachers who bring in damnable heresies [2 Pet 2:1].  Today, we are going to study 2 Pet 2:18-22, in which we learn what affect these false teachers have on people who have already “escaped from them who live in error,” [2 Pet 2:18].  You’re...

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Christian Conduct, 1 Pet 2:11-17

In 1 Pet 2:11-17, Peter instructs us as Christians on how to conduct ourselves.  Now that we are saved, we are “strangers and pilgrims,” [1 Pet 2:11] in the earth.  We are “the people of God,” [1 Pet 2:10] citizens of “an holy nation,” [1 Pet 2:9].  Therefore, we are...

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