Marriage Gen.2:23-24

Marriage Gen.2:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gen 2:23-24 shows you the Biblical foundation of marriage.  Eph 5:22-25, 30-32 shows you that the marriage of Adam and Eve foreshadows the marriage of the Lord Jesus Christ and his bride, the church.  And the relationship between the bride of Christ and Jesus Christ...

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Favour With God Prov. 22:1

Favour With God Prov. 22: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 22:1 “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.” According to this verse, loving favor is better than silver and gold.  Well, most people wouldn’t turn down a little...

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Never Do This Gen 3:6

Never Do This Gen. 3:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Never force your husband to choose between you and God – Gen 3:6; 1 Tim 2:14 – Eve disobeyed the Lord and so she was going to die.  Adam had to choose whether to go on with God without her, or...

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Practical Steps for Marriage Matt 7:3-5

Practical Steps for Marriage Matt. 7: 3-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here is a brief summary of the first six lessons that Tony, Randy and I have taught on the home: Man’s authority comes from God and he must rule.  His wife must be in submission.  The children will model what...

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The Goal of Marriage Ruth 3:1

The Goal of Marriage Ruth 3:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the book of Ruth the word rest is used in connection with marriage. Some might be thinking that marriage is anything but rest, especially the women. But it is not necessarily a rest from physical labor or work. The rest here...

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The Bed Undefiled Heb. 13:1-4

The Bed Undefiled Heb. 13:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The marriage bed is undefiled.  Those of us who are in the church are to be undefiled [SOS 5:2; 2 Cor 11:2]. But notice these instances of people being defiled.  We can tell what undefiled is by studying what defiles a person. ...

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Love, Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Love, Fruit of the Holy Spirit Gal.5:22-23 Love is the first mentioned of the fruit of the Spirit. This fruit is not anything that you are producing, it only comes by the Holy Spirit’s work through you. The world’s definition and your flesh’s definition  is not the love that is...

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Boaz Marries Ruth, Ruth 4:1-22

Ruth 4:1-22 Boaz Marries Ruth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ruth 4:1-22 shows us how Boaz marries Ruth and how the genealogical line of Christ is continued through their firstborn son, Obed. The Advertisement – v.1-5 – Boaz goes into the city and sits in the gate waiting for the next kinsman to pass...

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