Being the Mother of Jesus

Being the Mother of Jesus Luke 2:1-52 In this lesson we are going to focus on many of the things that Mary was told about Jesus before he was born. In looking at these things we can see how that Mary and Joseph had one of the most challenging job,...

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Mary With Gabriel and Elisabeth, Lk 1:26-56

Mary with Gabriel and Elisabeth We’re studying about Mary with Gabriel and Elisabeth in this lesson from Lk 1:26-56.  Before appearing to Mary, Gabriel had appeared to Zacharias earlier.  At this time, Elisabeth is six months pregnant, v. 26, 36.  In Lk 1:26-38, Gabriel is sent to Mary in Nazareth...

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Sarah Typifies Mary, Gen 17:19

Sarah Typifies Mary We can learn much from studying the Old Testament characters and their similarities to people in the New Testament.  Sarah typifies Mary.  This should help someone reading the Bible to realize that the author of the Old Testament and the New Testament is the same person.  Men...

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Queen of Heaven, Jer 44:17-19

Queen of Heaven Jer. 44:17-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have in our possession, a little book called “My Father’s Business,” a prayer book for Catholic students published in 1928 by the Bruce Publishing Co. of Milwaukee, WI.  In this book, on page 256, there is an “Act of Consecration...

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She Hath Done What She Could, Mk 14:3-9

In Mk 14:3-9, Mary anointed Jesus with ointment of spikenard.  Jesus said about her that “She hath done what she could”.  This text gives us great instruction on how to do what we can for the Lord. What she did was very valuable, v.3. This ointment was something she had...

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Told For a Memorial of Her, Matt 26:6-13

A few days before Jesus died, an extraordinary thing took place.  Mary anointed his body with ointment [Matt 26:6-13].  What she did was so remarkable that Jesus said wherever the gospel is preached, what she did would be told for a memorial of her.  Well, I preach the gospel, so...

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Should We Worship Mary? Luke 1:42-43

Should We Worship Mary Luke 1: 42-43 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Should we worship Mary?  No.  Should we pray to Mary? No.  Can Mary save us?  No. Indeed, there are many remarkable things about Mary.  She was a virgin when she brought forth the Lord Jesus Christ (Is 7:14; Lk 1:27,...

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In the House of Simon the Leper Mk 14:3-9

In the House of Simon the Leper Mk 14: 3-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus resided in Bethany before his crucifixion.  In just a few days he would be dead.  He had had a big run in with the Pharisees.  He had cleansed the temple.  But here he is with friends...

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Mother of Jesus Luke 1:26-47

Mother of Jesus Luke 1:26-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What sort of woman did God choose to be the mother of his Son?  Be that kind of mother if you want to be the best you can be.  She was: A Virgin – Luke 1:27 – she kept herself for her husband.  Remain pure.  Wait...

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Waiting to See the Glory of God John 11:1-44

Waiting to See the Glory of God John 11:1-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage we see where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. In this miracle we see Jesus waiting two days after hearing the news of Lazarus being sick before he went to him. Many times we will...

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