The Virgin Birth of Jesus Matt. 1:20

The Virgin Birth of Jesus Matt. 1:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many preachers and teachers deny the Virgin Birth of Jesus.  That’s why, when we started the church, we wrote down our statement of faith and included the fact that WE BELIEVE in the Virgin Birth.  Just look at all that...

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That I May Know Him Phil. 3:10

That They May Know Him Phil. 3:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our text in Phil 3:10 says, That I may know him.  The key to this life is knowing Jesus Christ.  Jn 17:3 says, “this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ.”  And...

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The Mother of Jesus Luke 1:38

The Mother of Jesus Luke 1:35-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Mary the mother of Jesus gave us an excellent example of what mothers should do.  Notice that Mary: Submitted to the Lord – Lk 1:38 – Mary willingly became the mother of Jesus in spite of the reproach of being pregnant...

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Mary & Martha

Luke 10:38-42 Mary’s Godly Priorities …a certain woman named Martha (10:38) …a sister called Mary (10:39) Martha is not carnal because the work she is doing is carnal or unspiritual, she is unspiritual because of the priorities she has.  Compare them with Mary’s priorities. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard...

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The Report on the Resurrection, Jn 20:2-18

The Report on the Resurrection John 20: 2-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this study we are going to focus on the eyewitness accounts of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the disbelief of some who were a witness to it. In John 20:2 we see Mary running from...

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Love and Hatred, Jn12:2-8

Love & Hatred John 12:2-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this text we have illustrations of the epitome of love: Mary who anointed the feet of Jesus, and hatred: Judas who spoke deceptively because he did not care for the poor.  In these two you see the stark contrast between love...

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The City of Capernaum, Jn 2:12

The City of Capernaum John 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO While Jesus was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth, it was the city of Capernaum that became the headquarters for His ministry (Matt. 4:13, 9:1-2, Mark 2:1-3). Jesus moved there with His family (John 2:12) except for Joseph who had...

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He Manifested His Glory, Jn 2:1-11

He Manifested His Glory John 2:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This text concerns a miracle involving wine. It commonly presents problems for the reader because it requires cross referencing of scripture with scripture to find out exactly what it was that Jesus Christ made. It is set up so that sinners...

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The Mother of Jesus

Luke 1: 26- 47 The Mother of Jesus Christ. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What sort of woman did God choose to be the mother of his Son?  Be that kind of mother if you want to be the best you can be.  She was: A Virgin – v.27 – she kept...

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Matthew 1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus

Matt. 1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus CLICK ON TITLE FOR AUDIO From this study of the birth of Jesus, we see that he is: The Holy Ghost’s Son This was not a divine conception, in the sense that the Holy Ghost conceived seed in Mary by natural means.  Mary was a...

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