Manly Leadership, 1 Cor 11:1-3

Manly Leadership 1 Cor.11:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Manliness is so downplayed in our society today that we need to preach on manly leadership today to counter the feminization that is taking place among men.  You need to be a man who can be used by the Lord to lead. A...

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The Kind of Men We Need

The Kind of Men We Need 2 Samuel 11:1-27 In this sermon we will look at Uriah the Hittite as type of a saved person and a faithful soldier of Jesus Christ who died with honor on the battlefield serving the King. In 2 Timothy 2:1-4 we see some things...

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Especially for Men Titus 2:2

Especially for Men Titus 2:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read through the Bible looking for something especially for men, you cannot miss Titus 2:2.  It is addressed to “the aged men.”  The qualities of men listed in this verse must be taught.  At first glance you may not know...

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His Days Are As Grass Ps.103:15

His Days Are As Grass Ps. 103:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says, As for man, his days are as grass.  When you think about the way grass grows and how we must maintain grass to keep it alive and well groomed, we find some interesting parallels between men and...

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Men and Women

Genesis 2:5-24 Men and women are different and that is how God created us.  He created two complimentary beings that fit together like a puzzle.  We will look at God’s creation account in Genesis 2 to see how God wired men and women to complement each other. Emotional Differences First...

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