Purge Iniquity, Prov 16:6

Purging Iniquity Prov 16:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How To Purge Iniquity We Purge Iniquity Through: Salvation Ps 79:9 – when you receive Jesus, God will purge your soul of all sins for eternity.  Our records are clean, forever.  See Heb 1:3.  And salvation can also purge some folks by an...

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Thanksgiving Psalm, 1 Chr 16:7-36

Thanksgiving Psalm 1 Chr.16:7-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The psalm recorded in 1 Chr 16 is a thanksgiving psalm.  It is also recorded in Ps 105.  We can follow the example of David in this thanksgiving psalm to help understand things for which we can thank God.  As in this thanksgiving...

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Two Attributes of God, Neh 9:16-17

Two Attributes of God Neh. 9:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we are going to discuss two attributes of God.  We are going to discuss his mercy and his wrath. The first attribute is God’s Mercy – Neh 9:16-17 – when the Jews left Egypt, God provided everything...

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The Mercy of God, Titus 3:5

The Mercy of God Titus 3:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we will expound on the mercy of God.  God is merciful to save us from our sins.  But God wasn’t merciful with us so that we would go on living in our sin.  His mercy is not some...

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Why Trust in the Lord, Ps 32:10

Why Trust in the Lord Ps 32:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that we are supposed to trust in the Lord, but why?  You trust in the Lord for: Mercy – Ps 32:10 – salvation is in the Lord.  We need his mercy and he extends it to us by...

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Favor by Mercy and Truth, Prov 3:3-4

One great way to have favor with God is through mercy and truth.  God has extended his mercy to us, and he intends for us to extend his mercy to others, as well.  God has sanctified us through his truth, Jn 17:17.  And he intends for us to be true...

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Unsearchable Riches of Christ, Eph 3:8

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ Eph. 3:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse says that the unsearchable riches of Christ are unsearchable; they are incapable of being explored.  You may hear people say, “God works in mysterious ways.”  What they mean is that you can’t figure God out.  You can’t really...

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Conditional Mercy, Ps 18:25

Conditional Mercy Ps. 18:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 18:25 David says, “With the merciful that wilt shew thyself merciful.”  God’s mercy is conditional mercy. We know that God is merciful from Ex 34:6. But we sometimes confuse God’s mercy with his love and get the idea that his unconditional...

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Favour, 1 Sam 2:26

Favour 1 Sam. 2:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is more important to have favour with God than it is to have favor with men.  God will give you favor with men [Gen 39:21; Ex 3:21].  Too much time is spent trying to gain favor with men.  That time would be...

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Who Has Favor With the Lord, Ps 5:12

Favor With the Lord Ps 5:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Favor with the Lord ought to be our greatest concern; even more so than our favor with men.  Unfortunately, many Christians are much more concerned about finding favor with men than they are with finding favor with the Lord.  You might...

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