Preparing for Missions Conference, Acts 13:1-3

Preparing For Missions Conference We should be preparing for missions conference starting this weekend.  The Lord has directed me to Acts 13:1-3 as the text we should discuss tonight that will help us to know what we should be doing to prepare. Before Paul and Barnabas were sent out of...

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Your Life is About Others, Phil 2:3-4

Your Life is about Others Phil 2:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO First and foremost your life must be about pleasing God.  However, if we are not careful, our thoughts and concerns can become so much about us and our personal relationship to the Lord that we lose sight of others. ...

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Workers Together With Him, 2 Cor 6:1-18

2 CoriIn 2 Cor 6, Paul beseeched the Corinthians to work together with the Lord and with him and the others with whom he served the Lord in the ministry.  In 2 Cor 5:17-21, he explained that God has given all new creatures in Christ the ministry of reconciliation.  That...

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Priesthood of the Believer

Priesthood of the Believer Rev.1:6 The priesthood of the believer is one of the “Baptist Distinctives”. When a church identifies its self with the name Baptist, then there are certain doctrines that are identified with that church. We will list them below, but for now this lesson is concerned with...

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Epaphroditus the Minister to his Minister

Epaphroditus the Minister to his Minister Phil. 2:19-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Epaphroditus the Minister to his Minister Phil. 2:25-30 Introduction: Read 2:19-30 and 4:18 Who was this guy? • He was a messenger from the Philippian church (2:25) to deliver a gift to Paul (4:18). • He stayed in Rome...

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Lending a Hand II Tim. 1:16-18

Leading A Hand II Tim. 1:16-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you roll up your sleeves and lend a hand to those in need: You refresh them – 2 Tim 1:16 – when a person is carrying his load alone, his load is heavy to bear.  But when you lend a...

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A Profitable Ministry 1Tim. 4:7-16

1 Tim 4 7-16 A Profitable Ministry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gives Timothy some practical instructions for a profitable ministry that he should follow so “thy profiting may appear to all,” [1 Tim 4:15].  These instructions concern the minister’s: Spiritual and Physical Fitness – 1 Tim 4:7-9 – He should...

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Fellowhelpers to the Truth III John 6-8

Fellowhelpers to the Truth III John 6-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are to be fellowhelpers to the truth.  In other words, we are to help each other with the Bible. We need help understanding the Bible – Acts 8:30-31 – the Ethiopian eunuch could not understand the passage in Isaiah...

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