A Time To Heal, Ecc 3:3

A Time to Heal 2024-11-13 Eccl WEDClick link to download audio Ecc 3:3 says that there is “a time to heal”.  It takes time for injuries and wounds to heal.  I’m doing PT on my shoulder.  This takes time, and at first it’s very painful.  But I’m getting better and...

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Typical Days in Jesus’s Ministry, Lk 5:12-39

Typical Days in Jesus’s Ministry Typical days in Jesus’s ministry included: Healing, Lk 5:12-15 A man full of leprosy came to Jesus, fell on his face, and said, “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean”.  He called him Lord, not Master.  He prayed like Jesus in Gethsemane.. Lord...

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Your Life is About Others, Phil 2:3-4

Your Life is about Others Phil 2:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO First and foremost your life must be about pleasing God.  However, if we are not careful, our thoughts and concerns can become so much about us and our personal relationship to the Lord that we lose sight of others. ...

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Jesus’ Early Ministry, Lk 4:14-32

Jesus’ Early Ministry Jesus’s return in the Spirit’s power, 14-16 In Jesus’ early ministry, the power of the Spirit was evidenced in his teaching and preaching.  In Lk 4:32, his word was with power.  Ecc 8:4, “where the word of a king is there is power”.  1 Cor 2:4 Paul’s...

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Where We Need Patience, Heb 12:1

Where We Need Patience Heb. 12: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need patience. We are to run our race with patience.  Our race is an endurance race, not a sprint.  The need for patience in our Christian lives is essential in our: Finances – Prov 28:22 – if you...

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Glorifying God, Part I, 1 Cor 6:19-20

How To Glorify God, Part I 1 Cor 6: 19-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO. Glorifying God is one of our principal responsibilities. There are several ways to glorify God.  This broadcast covers half of those ways.  The next broadcast will cover the other half.  The Bible is clear on this subject....

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Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles

Acts 26:16-18 Introduction: In this passage of scripture Paul is going through his conversion experience before king Agrippa. Paul explains how he is to be a minister and a witness for God to the people and Gentiles. Paul then is given five specific things in verse 18, that his ministry...

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Meekness, Ps 45:4

Meekness Ps. 45:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ps 45:4 is a prophecy concerning the Second Coming of Jesus.  He rides prosperously because of his meekness, truth and righteousness.  In Jn 14:6, Jesus says that he is the truth.  In 1 Cor 1:30, he is made unto us righteousness.  But what is...

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God gave Gifts Unto Men

Ephesians 4:8-12 Introduction: In this lesson we see that God gave gifts unto me for a specific purpose.  I. He led captivity Captive– Ephesians 4:8 -First “he led captivity captive” and then “gave gifts unto men”. Before Christ could give gifts unto men, this had to take place first.  I...

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