In Due Season, Gal 6:9

In Due Season Gal 6:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gal 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  The phrase in this verse that is critical to successful reaping is, “in due season.”  You see the trouble...

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Your Work of Faith, 1 Thes 1:3

This sermon is on your work of faith, 1 Thes 1:3.  To understand your work of faith, we must first understand what faith is and how it works. Faith is belief. You must have something to believe in.  Athletes believe in themselves.  Christians believe in Jesus Christ.  Agnostics and atheists...

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Strive Lawfully, 2 Tim 2:5

Strive Lawfully 2 Tim. 2:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You and I must strive lawfully if we hope to be crowned at the judgment seat of Christ [2 Tim 2:5].  One of the crowns available is the incorruptible crown [1 Cor 9:25].  To be crowned with that one, we must...

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A More Excellent Ministry, Heb 8:1-13

This lesson is a study of Heb 8.  Jesus has a more excellent ministry, Heb 8:6, than the priests after the order of Aaron because: He ministers in a better tabernacle, v.1-2.  Jesus is a minister in the true tabernacle.  He’s seated at the right hand of God in the...

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So Much The More Prayer, Heb 10:4-25

In anticipation of the Lord’s return Paul exhorted us to do some things so much the more, Heb 10:25.  Paul wrote in Heb 10:24, And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.  Prayer is good work.  In Col 4:12 Paul noted that Epaphras was...

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Ministry Opportunities, Eph 2:10

According to Eph 2:10, Titus 2:14, Col 3:23-25, Matt 20:25-28, we are Gods servants, humbly, joyfully, charitably, and zealously serving Jesus Christ.  However, it can be frustrating to know you should serve the Lord in our church but not know what ministry opportunities you have to serve. As it turns...

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Addicted to the Ministry, 1 Cor 16:15-17

Addicted to the Ministry of the Saints The house of Stephanas was addicted to the ministry of the saints, 1 Cor 16:15-17.   The house of Stephanas was the first fruits of Achaia.  Achaia is the region in which Corinth was located.  North of Achaia was Macedonia where Thessalonica was...

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A Call to the Ministry, Is 6:1-8

In Is 6:1-8 we see an example of a call to the ministry.   First, Isaiah saw the Lord and then he saw himself.  He knew that he was unworthy and unclean.  When men really get to know the Lord, usually in a deep valley or trial, they see him as...

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Ministry of a Prophet, Ezek 3:4-14

The ministry of a prophet is unique.  He’s certainly not a pastor.  He’s not trying to shepherd a flock of people and establish a local ministry where he is sent. He preaches God’s words and often what he has to say is very negative.  In Ezek 3:4-14, we see some...

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Salutations, Col 4:12-18

In Paul’s salutations at the end of his epistle to the Colossians, we find some interesting tidbits in the things he wrote to those he mentioned.  He mentioned: Epaphras, a servant of Christ – Col 4:12-13 – Epaphras is also mentioned in Phm 23 as a fellow prisoner, in Col...

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