The Joys of the Ministry, Phil 2:1-2d

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON There are lots of pressures, prayers, griefs, and heartaches in the work of the ministry.  Sometimes, pastors think it would just be easier to be an evangelist, so that they wouldn’t have to get wrapped up in all the problems. ...

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Yesterday at the Port

Yesterday at the Port [Ps.107:23-31] Each week you get to hear a report on the Port Ministry of our church. We started this ministry back in February of 2013. We have been given access to the ships that sail the all the seas of the world, and the men of...

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The Essential Ministry of Prayer, Acts 1:14

Prayer is an essential ministry of the church.  Don’t underestimate the value of the Wednesday night prayer meeting or the special prayer “warriors” who pray for special needs throughout the week.   Prayer is essential for unity – Acts 1:14 – the disciples were meeting with one accord, Acts 2:42-46. ...

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Death Worketh In Us, 2 Cor 4:1-18

Today we are studying 2 Cor 4.  The theme of this passage is from verse 12, “death worketh in us.” Paul constantly suffered as he preached the gospel, (what he called, “this ministry,” verse 1). In second Corinthians 3:6 he said, we are “ministers of the New Testament,” and in...

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Working on God’s Building 1 Cor 3:9

Working on God’s Building 1 Cor 3: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we are saved, we are baptized by the Spirit into Jesus’ body (1 Cor 12:13).  According to John 2:19-21 the body of Jesus Christ is a temple.  In 1 Pet 2:5, therefore, every new Christian is a “lively...

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Stephanas was Addicted 1 Cor 16:15-18

Stephanas was Addicted 1 Cor 16:15-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The house of Stephanas was addicted to the ministry of the saints.  Addicted – strongly inclined to indulge in repeatedly.  Addict – to devote or surrender to something habitually or obsessively.  Earlier meaning – to give over, surrender, apply or devote...

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Your Ministry of Reconciliation

Your Ministry of Reconciliation 2 Cor.5:17-21 God has reconciled us unto himself by Jesus Christ. You probably learned that you were a sinner and that sinners go to hell, so you got saved so you wouldn’t go to hell. Reconciliation is more than just a ticket out of hell. It...

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God’s Increase Acts 6:7

God’s Increase Acts 6: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Acts 6:7, “the word of God increased, the number of the disciples multiplied greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.”  My questions are these.  Is God still expecting his word to increase?  Is God...

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Paul’s Ministry 1 Cor 9:1-27

Paul’s Ministry 1 Cor. 9: 1-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Cor 9, Paul described his ministry to the Corinthians, to explain why he did what he did in the ministry.  Notice these aspects of Paul’s ministry: Paul’s apostleship – 1 Cor 9:1-2 – Paul was an apostle by the...

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The Local Church

The Local Church Heb. 10:25   The local church is one of three institutions commissioned by God, the others being the family and civil government. The local church is commissioned by God to carry out His purpose in reaching the lost and perfecting the saved. Therefore, God’s plan for a...

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