What The Word Is Like, 1 Pet 1:23

What the Word is Like 1 Pet. 1:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we can learn a lot about the word of God by seeing what the word is like.  According to the texts that we will study today, the Bible is like seven different things.  The word is...

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Seek Ye My Face, Ps 27:8

In Ps 27:8 David wrote, “When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek”.   Wouldn’t it be something to see the LORD’s face.  But no one ever has.  We know that “no man hath seen God at anytime”. When the...

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Doers and not hearers only

Doers and Not Hearers Only James 1:22-25 This is a very familiar passage to many. It has been taught and preached to us numerous times. In this lesson we will focus on the illustration of the Bible as a mirror to show how we can not only hear what the...

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