Preparing for Missions Conference, Acts 13:1-3

Preparing For Missions Conference We should be preparing for missions conference starting this weekend.  The Lord has directed me to Acts 13:1-3 as the text we should discuss tonight that will help us to know what we should be doing to prepare. Before Paul and Barnabas were sent out of...

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Example of Timothy, 2 Tim 3:15

Example of Timothy I was asked by a fellow in Australia why there were not more young people going to the mission field and staying when they got there. We can probably answer that question best by studying the example of Timothy. Upbringing – 2 Tim 3:15.  “From a child...

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Cast Thy Bread, Ecc 11:-16

Cast Thy Bread Cast thy bread upon the waters, Ecc 11:1.  God did this when he sent Jesus, the bread of life, upon the waters (people, Rev 17:15).  For thou shalt find it after many days.  How many souls have been saved in the past 2,000 years? You and I...

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Living Water, Jn 4:10-14

Living Water Jn. 4:10-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Getting saved is like taking a drink of living water [Jn 4:10-14].  It’s that easy.  And it’s that lasting.  Jesus said, after a drink of living water, you will never thirst again [Matt 5:6].  When you get saved, your spiritual thirst will be...

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Prepare, Prov 30:25

Ants prepare their meat in the summer.  See Prov 6:6-8, as well. Gaining wisdom from ants, you should likewise: Prepare yourself unto every good work – 2 Tim 2:21.  Do what Paul says in 2 Tim 2:19-23.  Purge yourself from these.  You should depart from iniquity, become a vessel of...

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Randy King – Epaphroditus

This sermon covers excerpts from all four chapters of Philippians and explains why Epaphroditus had nearly worked himself to death supporting Paul in the ministry.  This message will help a church to keep from lacking opportunity (Phil 4:10) to support missionaries.

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