Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out, Num 32:23

Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out Num. 32:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse appears in a passage where the tribes of Gad and Reuben try to convince Moses to let them stay out of Canaan and inherit in the land of Jazer and the land of Gilead on...

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God’s Words, Jer 36:1-32

God’s Words Jer. 36:1-32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are going to study about God’s words in Jer 36.  This is one of the simplest places in the Bible to see what God does with his words and what he expects us to do with them. God Spoke His Words God...

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Modern Bibles Remove Verses, Matt 6:13

Modern Bibles Remove Verses Matt. 6:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Modern Bibles remove verses.  These are examples of verses missing from the NIV. They are representative of other modern Bibles, although they might not all have the identical verses missing. NIV MISSING VERSES (P = partially missing). Matt. 6:13 (p);...

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NIV Major Changes, Eph 4-6

NIV Major Changes, Eph. 4-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God.  The NIV has major changes in it that are not just intended to make it “easier to read and understand.”  These changes have major doctrinal implications.  This study reviews...

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NIV Major Errors, Eph 1-3

NIV Major Errors, Eph. 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God.  The NIV has major changes in it that are not just intended to make it “easier to read and understand.”  These changes have major doctrinal implications.  This study reviews some...

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Dual Authority, Jn 12:48

Dual Authority Jn. 12:48 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What is Dual Authority?  It is having two separate authorities upon which to base a belief.  You see, concerning God’s words, Jesus never left any doubt about the question of authority.  He affirmed that God’s words were the absolute and final authority for...

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Given to Change, Prov 24:21

Given to Change Prov 24:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The nature of man is to change things.  The nature of God is to stay the same.  Thus the Lord warns us not to meddle with them that are given to change. In Mal 3:6 the Lord says, “I am the...

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Perverted, Jer 23:36

In the Bible we find that there are several things that are perverted.  Today, we are going to study seven of these.   To pervert means to turn aside or away from what is viewed as good or true or morally right; to corrupt.  Perverse is turned away from what...

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Thy Word is Settled, Ps 119:89

Thy Word is Settled Ps. 119:89  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO About God’s words, Ps 119 says, thy word is settled in heaven, it is true from the beginning, it is pure, and it is a lamp and a light.  From the verses containing these statements we learn some wonderful things...

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Make You Free, John 8:32

Make You Free John 8:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 8:32, the King James Bible says, You shall know the truth and the truth shall “make you free.”  The context is sin.  All of these verses have the same expression of “make you free” or “made free,” Jn 8:32, 8:36,...

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