Corporate Christianity, 1 Thes 2:3-6

 Corporate Christianity 1 Thes 2: 3-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been seeing a move in American Christianity away from the Bible and the local church to what I call, “Corporate Christianity,” a Christianity characterized by corporate philosophy rather than Biblical doctrine.  They have boards and staff and committees and...

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Things You Need More Than Money, Prov 16:8

Things You Need More Than Money Prov. 16: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Money is, obviously, important.  If you don’t have any, it’s sure hard to pay your bills.  But our attention to obtaining and maintaining wealth can surely obscure some other needs that are much more important than money.  These...

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A Fool’s Delight, Prov 19:10

A Fool’s Delight Prov. 19:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A Fool’s Delight Solomon said that delight is not seemly for a fool.  Delight is something that gives great pleasure or satisfaction.  See Ecc 2:8.  Seemly means “suitable or fitting.”  So, something that gives great pleasure or satisfaction is not suitable or...

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The Principle of Sowing, 2 Cor 9:6-11

There is a principle of sowing, firmly established in the Bible.  Certainly, we see this principle of sowing in nature and it was clearly understood in rural societies.  Families that have to farm to produce their food understand the principle of sowing.  Each seed that you plant produces many seeds,...

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Practical Wisdom, Ecc 10:16-20

In Ecc 10:16-20 Solomon gives us some practical wisdom about drunkenness and gluttony, slothfulness and idleness, feasts, wine, and money, and private curses. Drunkenness and gluttony. v.16-17 When thy king is a child AND thy princes eat in the morning.  Josiah was a child, 2 Chr 34, and had the...

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Lined Up With God, Matt 11: 6

Lined Up With God Matt. 11: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is easy to be lined up with God when what you want to do and what God wants you to do are the same thing.  You usually get out of line with God when what you want and...

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Therefore Will We Also Serve The Lord, Jos 24:14-18

Before the end of Joshua’s ministry, in Jos 24:14-18, he challenged the people of Israel to choose whom they would serve.  He said, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  He made a conscious choice to serve the Lord.  The people were adamant in their reply,...

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Laboring for the Wind

Laboring for the Wind (Ecclesiastes 5:10-16)  This lesson deals with the subject of riches and gives warnings to those that are pursuing after them. Paul gives us a similar warning in 1 Timothy 6:5-10. By using these two passage we will look at some of the dangers of riches and...

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The Right Attitude about Money

I Timothy 6:17-18 Introduction: Two weeks ago we started a series of lessons regarding money. The first lesson was found in I Timothy 6:9 and we looked at the consequences of a person wanting to be rich, a real temptation for the Christian today. Last week, we looked at a...

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