Money Problems

Money Problems CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are several practical things that you can do to stay out of financial trouble or to get out of the trouble you are in. Turn to God for help, Matt. 6:30-34, “Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek...

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Things Money Cannot Buy

Things Money Cannot Buy : 1 Timothy 6:10 In this lesson we are going to be looking at some of the things that money cannot buy. It is evident to all that we live in a world where money is the principle concern of most people. Hence, there are many...

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Christian Resources, Lk 24:49

Christian Resources Lk. 24:49 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you listen to Christian radio today, you keep hearing the word “resources” referring to books, CD’s, DVD’s, etc. that are offered to the listeners at a price.  I have often thought to myself, “Where were all these Christian resources after Jesus...

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A Great Waster, Prov 18:9

Prov 18:9 says, “He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster”. How many of you like to work with lazy (slothful) people?  I can’t stand it.  I loved working together with the crew that went to the Navajo nation and worked...

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Judas Iscariot the Traitor, Lk 6:16

Judas Iscariot the Traitor Lk 6: 16  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Judas Iscariot is called a traitor in Luke 6:16.  He was a traitor who betrayed his master.  To betray someone is to deliver them to an enemy.  He betrayed Jesus as stated in Matt 10:4, where he is listed...

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What You Lay Hold On, 1 Tim 6:17-19

Lay hold on eternal life, 1 Tim 6:19, 12.  To lay hold is to grasp, to seize, and to take possession.  What you lay hold on, reveals: What you love – 1 Tim 6:17 – there are those who are “rich in this world.”  Their temptation is to love earthly treasure rather...

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Their Sorrows Shall Be Multiplied, Ps 16:4

Ps 16:4 says, “Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god.”  We can see a perfect New Testament example of just such a man. In Lk 18:18-25 a young rich man came to Jesus and wanted eternal life.  When he asked the Lord how to inherit eternal life,...

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Wise Investing, Acts 20:35

Wise Investing Acts 20:35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible contains a lot of practical wisdom.  That is, the Bible is not just a spiritual book.  It is also a very practical book.  Military leaders can learn practical war tactics in this book.  Businessmen can learn practical business management in here. ...

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Personal Finances

“Consider your ways” Haggai 1:5-7 How are your personal finances working out for you? I for years did all my finances my way. Now that I have learned God’s way with money, things work out so much better. God wants you to have life and have it more abundantly. So...

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How to Make Money 1 Thes. 4:11-12

How to Make Money 1 Thes. 4:11-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I have dealt with money most of my life.  I was in banking before entering the ministry and so I have some concept of money.  But I have always regarded how to make money as a bit of a mystery. ...

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