Being the Mother of Jesus

Being the Mother of Jesus Luke 2:1-52 In this lesson we are going to focus on many of the things that Mary was told about Jesus before he was born. In looking at these things we can see how that Mary and Joseph had one of the most challenging job,...

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Charity For Mom, 1 Cor 13:4-8

Charity is the Bible’s love language.  This is the kind of love we should have for our mothers and wives.  We should have charity for mom. Charity suffereth long and is kind.  Notice it isn’t just long-suffering, but it is simultaneously long-suffering and kind.  We’ve seen children and husbands who...

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Good Moms, Prov 31:1

Good Moms Prov. 31:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible has much to say about good moms.  If you will follow what the Bible says, you are not guaranteed that all of your children will turn out just right.  But you have the best opportunity of rearing good children if you...

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Bless Your Mother, Prov 30:11

In Prov 31:28, the children of a virtuous woman “arise up, and call her blessed”.  Blessing her is all the more important in the age in which we live.  Today, “There is a generation that… don’t bless their mother”.  You should bless your mother. To bless your mother is to...

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A Mother’s Influence, Titus 2:4

This Mother’s Day we will study a mother’s influence in her children’s lives.  In the Bible we see: A Mother’s Influence By Her Love A Mother’s Influence by Prayer – Titus 2:4 the younger women are taught to love their children.  Young mothers must be taught how to love their...

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Who Shaped Samuel’s Prayer Life, Jer 15:1

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Samuel was one of the greatest intercessors for Israel.  He is mentioned with Moses in Jer 15:1.  They were the two greatest intercessors Israel ever had.  And we know that his prayers were effectual because 1 Sam 7:9 says “the...

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The Best Thing for Mothers Prov. 31:30

The Best Thing for Mothers Prov. 31: 30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is Mothers Day and we usually give our mothers special attention on this day.  The best thing you can do for your mother is to: Praise a mother who fears God – Prov 31:30 – she’s not a...

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Love Mothers Prov. 31:28

Love Mothers Prov. 31:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Mothers are very special.  Why do we call them blessed?  Why do we praise them?  We call you blessed and we praise you because mothers: Nearly die to bring us into this world – 1 Sam 4:19-21 – when Phineas’ wife bare Ichabod,...

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Mother of Jesus Luke 1:26-47

Mother of Jesus Luke 1:26-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What sort of woman did God choose to be the mother of his Son?  Be that kind of mother if you want to be the best you can be.  She was: A Virgin – Luke 1:27 – she kept herself for her husband.  Remain pure.  Wait...

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