Honor Thy Mother Eph.6 :1-3

Honour Thy Mother Eph.6 :1-3  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The commandment concerning our mothers that is repeated in the Bible more often than any other is, Honor thy mother.  In the Bible we find at least seven ways to esteem our mothers.  On this special occasion, we will consider each...

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The Mother of Jesus Luke 1:38

The Mother of Jesus Luke 1:35-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Mary the mother of Jesus gave us an excellent example of what mothers should do.  Notice that Mary: Submitted to the Lord – Lk 1:38 – Mary willingly became the mother of Jesus in spite of the reproach of being pregnant...

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King Lemuel’s Mother Prov. 31:1

His Mother Taught Him Prov. 31:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The wisdom of King Lemuel was from the prophecy that King Lemuel’s mother taught him.  This proverb shows the importance of a good mother training her son(s)! King Lemuel’s mother taught him: The Scriptures – 2 Tim 3:14-15 – Timothy began to learn the...

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The Mother of Jesus

Luke 1: 26- 47 The Mother of Jesus Christ. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What sort of woman did God choose to be the mother of his Son?  Be that kind of mother if you want to be the best you can be.  She was: A Virgin – v.27 – she kept...

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