A Head-on Collision with God, Acts 9:5

A Head-on Collision with God Acts 9:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul was living his life blamelessly [Phil 3:6] and with a good conscience toward God [Acts 23:1] that what he was doing was right.  But he was dead wrong.  Even witnessing the preaching and the death of Stephen and the...

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Put On The New Man, Col 3:10-15

When we put off the old man, we are to, simultaneously, put on the new man.  You don’t grow as a Christian by just removing the old man or by only denying yourself.  You must put on the new man.   According to Col 3:10, the new man “is renewed...

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Put Off the Old, Put On the New, Eph 4:20-32

In Eph 4:20-32, Paul gave us very practical instructions about the Christian life.  He told us to put off the old man and to put on the new man.   We must put off the old man because he is “corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,” Eph 4:22.  We are...

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I Make All Things New, Rev 21:5

In Rev 21:5, the Lord said, Behold, I make all things new.  The Lord created everything.  But because of sin and corruption, in time, he will have to make all things new.  The Bible shows us some of the most important things that the Lord makes new.  The Lord makes:...

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By Little and Little, Ex 23:29-30

When Israel went into the land of Canaan, they conquered the land by little and little.  God could have killed all the inhabitants in a day, but the land would have been overrun by beasts.  After four and a half years, Israel had conquered enough land that they could distribute...

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Put on the New, Eph 4:21-24

In Eph 4:22-24, we find one of the best passages on how to live the Christian life.  Before we were saved, we did everything “according to the deceitful lusts,” [Eph 4:22] of the old man.  After we get saved, we are suddenly supposed to do things differently.  And that can...

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New Year Resolutions, 2 Cor 5:17

We’re getting ready to start a new year.  It’s now that people generally start making new year resolutions.  Since there are some new things we get with salvation, there are some new things we should be doing with our salvation. When you get saved you are a New Creature in...

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A One-sided Relationship, Eph 4:17-24

When you have a one-sided relationship with the Lord, the relationship is all about you.  This is the case with many Christians.  It’s about how they feel, what they want, what they think is right, what they think is best for them.  It’s not about the life of God or...

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Unto Whom Are You Living, 2 Cor 5:15

When you read through 2 Corinthians 5, you see four passages that will help you determine the answer to this question, “Unto whom are you living?”  Are you living unto yourself or are you living unto God?  You can tell by the answers to these four questions. Are you groaning...

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Be Ye Holy

Be Ye Holy 1 Pet.1:15-16 God wants you to be Holy. He wants you free from sin and pure, because He is the purest example of Holiness. How does sinful man become holy? How does a Christian live a holy life? At Salvation your Soul is Holy At the moment...

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