Why Christians Fall Eph. 4:11-32

Why Christians Fall CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often wonder why Christians fall.  There are numerous reasons found throughout the Bible.  However, in is text we find four of the most common reasons.  Rather than preach this text to simply answer the question why Christians fall, we will preach this passage...

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What Now? Phil. 1:27-30

Philippians 1:27-30 What Now? CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Now that you are saved, what do you do now and what can you expect? Tell others about Christ “Conversation” v. 27 “becometh gospel” Used to: Eph 2:3;4:22 Now: Phil 3:20, heavenly; II Pet 3:11, holy; Jas 3:13, good; I Pet 3:16, even...

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