Don’t Get Comfortable Gen. 11:1-9

Don’t Get Comfortable Gen. 11:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Don’t get comfortable, in the previous five chapters God has destroyed the earth because of man’s wickedness. He has cleaned up the man made mess. Now you would think that man, knowing firsthand the wrath of God, would behave himself. It...

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Children Obey Your Parents Eph.6:1-3

Ephesians 6:1-3 Children Obey Your Parents CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gives great advice on family relations.  The exhortation is to fathers and children – the obedience and honor is to Mom and Dad.  Often dads leave the spiritual training to mom – Big mistake.  It is the dad’s responsibility.  Ok,...

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Conquering Canaan Deut. 10, Joshua 23

Conquering Canaan Deut. 10, Joshua 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When God instructed Israel to go in and possess the land [Deut 10:8-11] he gave them five things to do so that God could drive out the inhabitants of the land.  He told them to fear the Lord, walk in his...

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Training Children (Part 2)

Ephesians 6:1-3 When it comes to training children the second on our list of things God requires of children is obedience to their parents.  You may ask why are we teaching parents a commandment children are required to heed.  Well, it’s like doggy obedience school, training the dog is more...

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Obey God

Obey God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Peter said, in response to his accusers, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”  Today we are going to see the hindrances to and the blessings of obeying God. In Acts 1:4, the Lord commanded the disciples to wait for the promise.  The promise...

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